How to Spot Pseudoscience on the Internet – Hackster Blog

https://blog.hackster.io/how-to-spot-pseudoscience-on-the-internet-e7d1f53796a2 There are many companies that make up some bogus pseudo scientific claims to sell products. This article gives an example about a company selling expensive stickers as solution for people afraid of the irrational “dangers of electromagnetic radiation”. The article lists the hallmarks of pseudo-scientific products for you to become a more savvy consumer.

Bluetooth 5.1 location technology demo

Last week when I visited Arrow IoT summit I saw Bluetooth location services in use.  Two booth on the even showed Bluetooth positioning in two compartments. Quuppa Oy showed their own Bluetooth-based indoor positioning technology, which is used in many applications. With its unique Angle-of-Arrival (AoA) method and positioning algorithms, the system enables real-time tracking of

POPULAR ELECTRONICS: Consumer Electronics and Experimenter magazine

https://www.americanradiohistory.com/Popular-Electronics-Guide.htm American Radio History site has Popular Electronics and a number of other 50′s-90′s electronics and computer magazines, all PDF. Includes the Experimenter’s Handbooks and several Ham Radio focused publications. There is also a Reference Book. Great collection of history for all of you that grew up with it and those that did not.

Does 5G pose health risks?| EDN

https://www.edn.com/electronics-blogs/5g-waves/4461754/Does-5G-pose-health-risks—part-1- There has been some talk about 5G and health risks that range from hardly anything to frying your brain and controlling the population. This interesting article series is exploring the health risks posed by mmWave radiation onto humans. Millimeter wave (mmWave) frequencies extend from 30 GHz to 300 GHz. From the literature, there can

The NSA’s Software Defined Radio application “RedHawk” is now open source

https://swling.com/blog/2019/01/the-nsas-software-defined-radio-application-redhawk-is-now-open-source/ page says that NSA released a bunch of software to open source at https://code.nsa.gov/ There is an interesting looking project called “RedHawk” which is described as: “A software-defined radio (SDR) framework designed to support the development, deployment, and management of real-time software radio applications.” github link: https://github.com/redhawksdr Here’s the documentation: https://redhawksdr.github.io/Documentation/index.html

Comparison of Wireless Technologies (Bluetooth, WiFi, BLE, Zigbee, Z-Wave, 6LoWPAN, NFC, WiFi…

https://predictabledesigns.com/wireless_technologies_bluetooth_wifi_zigbee_gsm_lte_lora_nb-iot_lte-m/ Deciding what type of wireless technology your new product should use can be an overwhelming task. This article has organized the various wireless technologies into a groups based on functionality, data speed, and operating range. This is a long, very detailed article.

LED lighting can disrupt radio communications | Southgate Amateur Radio News

http://www.southgatearc.org/news/2018/october/led-lighting-can-disrupt-radio-communications.htm#.W9XAslNyg0M Dutch amateur radio society VERON reports the current EMC standard, developed in the last century, no longer suffices. “The faulty LED lights disrupt wireless connections in and around the house. Radiocommunications Agency therefore starts an investigation into 50 LED lamp suppliers.” “A number of lamps do not appear to meet the EMC standard. Especially

With the “Dead Bug” Method, Hobbyists Can Break Through the High-Frequency Barrier – IEEE Spectrum

https://spectrum.ieee.org/geek-life/hands-on/with-the-dead-bug-method-hobbyists-can-break-through-the-highfrequency-barrier PCBs are essential in mass-produced products. They assure almost perfectly repeatable circuits. And PCBs with a good ground plane are essential for high-frequency circuits. But rapid prototyping with PCBs has drawbacks compared with the speed and ease of building a circuit on a breadboard. This article presents one practical alternative to PCB for high-frequency