Video Friday: Humanoid Waltz, Robot Sumo, and Happy Holidays! – IEEE Spectrum Posted from WordPress for Android → Posted from WordPress for Android → Interesting and somewhat worrying… what is next step? Posted from WordPress for Android → Posted from WordPress for Android → Posted from WordPress for Android → Posted from WordPress for Android → Posted from WordPress for Android → Posted from WordPress for Android →
European Robotics Week 2013 is celebrated from 25 November to 1 December 2013. The Week aims at inspiring technology education in students of all ages to pursue careers in STEM-related fields, i.e. science, technology, engineering and math. At the same time Finnish robot week “Robottiviikko” is celebrated in Finland. I happened to walk by Robots →
I wrote about Car Electronics at 2012 and updated the article with many comments. Now here is some new news to car electronics technologies that is worth a new post. Google has already logged an impressive amount of miles in its Toyota Prius fleet equipped with $70,000 radar systems. Google’s Self Driving Car Gathers Nearly →
Bartenders beware: A robotic drink-dispensing rig is aiming to steal your customers while pouring cocktail creations at the push of a touchscreen button. This Open Source Robot Bartender Pours the Perfect Mix article tells about bartender robot that the creators call Bartendro: Operated through an iPad interface, this device holds up to 15 bottles of →