
Banana connector types A banana connector is a single-wire (one conductor) electrical connector used for joining wires to equipment. The term 4 mm connector is also used, especially in Europe,because the pin’s diameter is nominally 4 millimetres (0.16 in).The pin has one or more lengthwise springs that bulge outwards slightly, giving the appearance of a banana. The original plug consists of a cylindrical metal pin about 20 millimetres (0.79 in) long.However other

ICS Companies Are Worried About Cybersecurity, But Are They Worried About Right Things? The equipment was expected to be installed and left alone for a long time. Pressures to reduce operating costs led to this equipment being connected, and the easiest networking equipment to find was designed for convenience in a corporate environment — not security in an ICS environment.  This has led to the current situation where malware

Fear is a killer: Nuclear expert reveals radiation’s real danger – energy Experience in Nagasaki, Chernobyl and Fukushima has taught Shunichi Yamashita that anxiety and disruption can hurt people far worse than radiation itself. “Many people thought even a tiny amount of radiation was dangerous” Mass screening done anywhere is bound to show up cancers that wouldn’t otherwise have been diagnosed. They have nothing to do

Industrial IoT seminar – Nohau Solutions

I visited today NOHAU seminar on industrial IoT and security related to it. The seminar content was in mixed Finnish and English language: Seminaari: Varaudu kyberhyökkäyksiin – Miten liität sulautetun laitteen turvallisesti internettiin? Ohjelma: 8.30   Aamupala ja rekisteröinti (breakfast and registration) 8:45   Tervetuloa – Nohau (wellcome) 9:00   Teollisen internetin businessmahdollisuudet, Jukka Nurmi, Director, IoT

Inside an isolated RS-485 transceiver | EDN Over the past decade, legislation has changed and now requires machinery and equipment operating in harsh environments to implement isolation for their data transmission systems. As a result, the trend away from legacy single-channel isolated systems to applications utilizing multi-channel isolation has led to the introduction of new isolation components. Many of these applications

USB quick charging and Honor 8

Modern smart phones use lots of powr, have high capacity batteries and many people want that they can be charged quickly. Fast charging is a name for battery charging technologies that charges the battery faster that normally by increasing the charging power. The standard USB charging is somewhat complicated enough with several standard versions and

Cyber risks for Industrial environments continue to increase Industrial control systems (ICS) are a privileged target of different categories of threat actors. Researchers observed a significant increase of brute force attacks on supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems. In December, IBM warned of the availability of a penetration testing framework named smod that was used in many attacks in the wild.  Organization in any industry can

Invasion of the Hardware Snatchers: Cloned Electronics Pollute the Market – IEEE Spectrum Unlike counterfeit electronics of the past, modern clones are very sophisticated.  The counterfeiters make their own components, boards, and systems from scratch and then package them into superficially similar products. The clones may be less reliable than the genuine product, having never undergone rigorous testing. But they may also host unwanted or even malicious software, firmware,