
‘Kernel memory leaking’ Intel processor design flaw A fundamental design flaw in Intel’s processor chips related to virtual memory system (Intel x86-64 hardware) allows normal user programs (even JavaScript in web browsers) to discern to some extent the layout or contents of protected kernel memory areas. It is understood the bug is present in modern Intel processors produced in the past decade. It appears a

The Art of Human Hacking Now that we’ve been introduced to social engineering, it’s time to learn about the vulnerabilities in the system we’re trying to hack into: humans. Social engineering is all about making someone do something that they’re not supposed to do. 

Linux antivirus and anti malware: 8 top tools | CSO Online  By most estimates, more than 50 percent of web servers on the internet are running some version of Linux or a related *nix. That should be enough to drive home how critical it is to the ongoing success of the Information Age that you analyze, identify, and eradicate malware on or passing through your

Virtual security

New IT term of the day: Virtual security: Manufacturers claim their products are secure. In reality they are not. Related post:

We’re hitting rock bottom in cyber — let’s do something | TechCrunch When it comes to the cybersecurity problem, where is rock bottom? Was it WannaCry, a ransomware attack. Or similar and perhaps even worse attack that hit just weeks later? Was it the Yahoo breaches? Or Equifax and Uber? Intel and Apple leaving our computer management accounts wide open? Banking computer systems hacked and many millions stolen? Or critical infrastructure hackers

Permissionless data slurping: Why Google’s latest bombshell matters • The Register Somebody else than just your mobile operator gets to know where you are: According to an old Chinese proverb: “When a wise man points at the Moon, an idiot looks at his finger.” Google may have been hoping that you were examining a finger, not reading a Quartz story yesterday, which reveals how Android phones send

No, you’re not being paranoid. Sites really are watching your every move | Ars Technica If you have the uncomfortable sense someone is looking over your shoulder as you surf the Web, you’re not being paranoid. A new study finds hundreds of sites—including,, and—employ scripts that record visitors’ keystrokes, mouse movements, and scrolling behavior in real time…