
Getting Started with IoT Security with Threat Modeling The security of IoT systems can be exceptionally complex because of the large number of components, potentially extensive attack surface, and the interactions between different parts of the system. Threat modeling is a great starting point to understand the risks associated with IoT systems. The challenge with this trend is that IoT devices are just computers

Containers and microservices complicate cloud-native security Developing applications with microservices and containers may be a modern approach to software design, but traditional software flaws still remain a problem when addressing cloud-native security. When you think about microservices-architected, there’s a wide range of, I guess you could say opinions, about what that means.  In this age of DevOps and cloud-native development, the software

Gas station runs Windows

What is technology inside gas station where you just put in credit card and fill the tank yourself. I has already taken a look at one Verifone payment terminal on what software it runs (it runs Linux). Today I got a view of what is technology used on similar device made by Dresser Wayne AB.

Man With Machine: Harnessing the Potential of Artificial Intelligence  When we think of artificial intelligence (AI), we think of robots — machines that mimic human behavior or thought. This is partly the influence of comics, novels, movies and other pop culture tidbits, but the boundaries of AI have progressed far beyond this basic personification.  At its most basic level, machine learning, a subset of

A Formula for Success with GDPR – IBM Analytics – Medium The General Data Protection Regulationcomes into effect on May 25th 2018 and many organizations are already seeking outside help to understand and navigate the complexities. As you consider connecting with an advisor, this brief series of posts lets you know some of the most important questions to ask, how to set priorities. You should consider having a

How Threat Modeling Helps Discover Security Vulnerabilities Application threat modeling can be used as an approach to secure software development, as it is a nice preventative measure for dealing with security issues, and mitigates the time and effort required to deal with vulnerabilities that may arise later throughout the application’s production life cycle. Unfortunately, it seems security has no place in

MINIX — The most popular OS in the world, thanks to Intel | Network World I did not know this earlier (I knew about another OS inside but did not know which it was): You might not know it, but inside your Intel system, you have an operating system running in addition to your main OS, MINIX. And it’s raising eyebrows and concerns.