
Taking Down the Internet Has Never Been Easier—threats/taking-down-the-internet-has-never-been-easier/a/d-id/1329580 Is there a reason why the Internet is so vulnerable? Actually, there are many, and taking steps to remain protected is crucial. On October 29, 1969, two computers linked via telephone exchanged a couple of letters, then crashed.  Fast-forward 48 years, where everything — including the kitchen sink, in the case of smart kitchens — is

Is your encrypted USB drive secure? How can you be sure the “secure” USB drive you’re using is really secure and the data you store on it can’t be extracted? That’s exactly the question Google’s security researchers Ellie Bursztein, Jean-Michel Picod, and Rémi Audebert addressed in their talk, “Attacking encrypted USB keys the hard(ware) way,” at the recent Black Hat

Researchers Embed Malware into DNA to Hack DNA Sequencing Software – IEEE Spectrum This sounds like plot from scifi movie: University of Washington researchers successfully stored malware in synthetic DNA strands, and used it to gain control of the computer analyzing it. Researchers at the University of Washington have shown that by changing a little bit of computer code they can insert malware into a strand of

Post Quantum Cryptography The SSL/TLS protocol uses RSA, Diffie-Hellman (DH) or Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) primitives for the key exchange algorithm. RSA is based on the fact that when given a product of two large prime numbers, factorizing the product (which is the public key) is computationally intensive, but a quantum computer could efficiently solve this problem

List of dangerous shell commands It is not uncommon to see trolls tricking new Linux/Unix users run commands as a joke. This page tries to collect the commands you should be warned of.

Hackers Show Proofs of Concept to Beat Hardware-Based 2FA – Motherboard “Hardware security devices are an improvement… However, we need to be mindful of our hardware, and just because we say this magic token is secure, we don’t implicitly assume that.” Hardware tokens provide possibly the best way to add an extra lock onto your account. Two-factor authentication sent by SMS can be intercepted. It is probably

Hackers are coming for your jewels with this safe-cracking robot If hackers want what’s on your computer, chances are they can find a way to get it. But what about your non-digital goods you keep in a safe at home? Turns out those aren’t that secure, either.  At the 25th annual DEF CON in Las Vegas professional tinkerer and founder of SparkFun Electronics Nathan

Wireless & IoT protocols & their security tradeoffs | EDN—IoT-protocols—their-security-tradeoffs?utm_content=buffer01b00&utm_medium=social& Many products suddenly become hacking targets when their products become smart and connected. This article is about securing them. The issue is that bad press and major security and privacy issues might slow down the adoption of IoT for improving our lives. Many end users are already skeptical to connect simple devices we rely

Reverse Engineering Hardware of Embedded Devices Nowadays, we are living in a world dominated by embedded systems. Everyone can be spied on through various channels. Routers, IP-cameras, phones, and other embedded devices are affected by security vulnerabilities and are therefore easily hack-able.  This article covers some basic hardware reverse engineering techniques on PCB-level, which are applicable to any electronic embedded