
Cyber risks for Industrial environments continue to increase Industrial control systems (ICS) are a privileged target of different categories of threat actors. Researchers observed a significant increase of brute force attacks on supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems. In December, IBM warned of the availability of a penetration testing framework named smod that was used in many attacks in the wild.  Organization in any industry can

Invasion of the Hardware Snatchers: Cloned Electronics Pollute the Market – IEEE Spectrum Unlike counterfeit electronics of the past, modern clones are very sophisticated.  The counterfeiters make their own components, boards, and systems from scratch and then package them into superficially similar products. The clones may be less reliable than the genuine product, having never undergone rigorous testing. But they may also host unwanted or even malicious software, firmware,

New password guidelines say everything we thought about passwords is wrong There is a draft of new guidelines for password management from NIST (the National Institute of Standards and Technology). There is a number of very progressive changes they proposed. Although NIST’s rules are not mandatory for nongovernmental organizations, they usually have a huge influence as many corporate security professionals.

7 considerations to make when securing your Raspberry Pi  This article tries to get you thinking of security at an appropriate level for your Raspberry Pi and IoT projects without scaring you away from playing, experimenting, and innovating. It’s about striking a balance. Don’t let a challenge stop you from trying. Just be aware of the big picture for securing your projects.

OWASP Proposes New Vulnerabilities for 2017 Top 10 The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) announced on Monday the first release candidate for the 2017 OWASP Top 10, which proposes two new vulnerability categories.

Encryption and Securing Our Digital Economy Currently, there are 360 million people that take part in cross-border e-commerce. 28% of output in mature economies is digital. The Internet is set to contribute $6.6 trillion a year, or 7.1% of the total GDP in the G20 countries.  And, by 2020, it’s estimated that more than 1 billion users will be added and there will be 30-50

Can you trust Linux-based Tizen OS? Yesterday there was a story about millions of Samsung IoT that are vulnerable to attacks due to zero-day security holes. “I have been extremely critical of IoT vendors ignoring the importance of updates and security, putting millions of users at risk. In the case of Samsung, what bothered me the most was that these devices

Realizing the IoT’s security imperative | EDN It’s true that in the animal kingdom there is safety in numbers. But in the Internet of Things (IoT), where billions of devices are expected to be connected within the next decade, the sheer volume of devices isn’t expected to mitigate the security risk. In fact, given that many devices may share the same