Microsoft Finally Reveals What Data Windows 10 Collects From Your PC → → Transport layer Security version 1.3 (TLS 1.3) is the latest version of the SSL/TLS protocol which is currently under development by the IETF. It offers several security and performance improvements as compared to the previous versions. → A security researcher has found 40 unknown zero-day vulnerabilities in Tizen, the operating system that runs on millions of Samsung products. Samsung has long sought to reduce its reliance on Google and Android to run its Galaxy smartphones and tablets and other devices. It already has Tizen running on some 30 million smart TVs, as well → There is need to improve cyber security on our infrastructure. → →
Information security issues are in this Internet of Things era very important for embedded systems developers. You need information from many sources, and one valuable information source are surveys made by differet companies. For the third year in a row, Barr Group has conducted its annual Embedded Systems Safety & Security Survey of embedded systems designers in → Some are looking at ways to “fight quantum with quantum”—but there is another (and cheaper) option. → → ‘Critical infrastructures around the world, not just in Europe, are constantly being targeted by cyber attacks, as are many other systems used by society which are internet-connected. Every day, European vital services and infrastructures have to be able to resist many types of cyber attacks. ‘The risk of attacks against such infrastructures is expected → Dramatic changes in the use of open source software over the past decade demands major changes in security testing regimens today. →