Top 30 Nmap Command Examples For Sys/Network Admins To celebrate nmap birthday, here are some tips how to scan your network using nmap. → To celebrate nmap birthday, here are some tips how to scan your network using nmap. → More and more secrets end up to Internet – it is not usually user’s fault and there is not much what you can do about that. → → Get to know what they are and how they are different with this article. → This is an interesting case where security researchers claimed they have found serious vulnerability in medical device and earned money when the company stock value dropped. → We need to work on protocol how to properly reveal security vulnerabilities on medical devices to keep patients safe. → What to learn from this case: Saving your secrets to cloud service has risks. Strong encryption of user data does not protect the secrets if they end up stored in cleartext in the server logs and someone gets access to them. → If you still use the same password as in 2012 still in Dropbox or other service, then change it now or you can be soon in trouble. → WiFi signal can be used to track your hand position on your keyboard. → This hack makes an USB drive to transmit your secrets in a way a nearby radio can receive it. Technique works on virtually all USB drives with no modifications necessary. “We introduce a software-only method for short-range data exfiltration using electromagnetic emissions from a USB dongle,” The software works on just about any storage →