The NSA hack helps Apple in its fight with the FBI → → It is possible to hack many election results! Security of voting should be improved. → → Lots of information on Android security, insecurity and how different companies try to solve it. → The survey’s key takeaway was that IT managers are more confident in the security and reliability of public cloud than they used to be, and as a result they are running more data and applications on public cloud infrastructure. The survey found that 51 percent said data security is better in the cloud than →
It seems like the NSA has been HACKED! But that might not be the truth. There has been many security news out on the message has NSA hacking group been hacked? It is hard to say for sure if that is true or not, but what seems to be true is that some of the → ATMs are robbed with hacking techniques and even EMV cards are not safe anymore. → Interesting IoT device vulnerability analysis. → As I have said, security is very important to get right in IoT. → Vulnerability analysis based on data collected by IT system management software. →