This ATM Hack Allows Crooks to Steal Money From Chip-and-Pin Cards It seems that EVM chip-and-pin cards can be hacked too easily to steal money. → It seems that EVM chip-and-pin cards can be hacked too easily to steal money. → Nice report on SSL usage situation in real world. → Hacking critical infrastructure can have disasterous consequences. → A drone loaded with jamming and hacking equipment can be dangerous to control systems. → Some HTTP 1.x issues re-introduced and some new. Should you use web application firewall? → Check out this article to understand Network of Things security. → We get Windows and Linux risks combined. → When your brain is connected with IoT device… →
A CGI application vulnerability called httpoxy was announced in July with coordinated disclosure from many vendors. httpoxy is a set of vulnerabilities that affect application code running in CGI, or CGI-like environments. The vulnerability allows an attacker to remotely set the HTTP_PROXY environment variable on affected servers which can lead to a number of bad → Some ISPs seem to want to spy users for profit from collected information – if you want to opt out from that they think you should pay extra. →