Zuckerberg’s social accounts pwned through LinkedIn breach
https://thestack.com/security/2016/06/06/zuckerberg-dadada-linkedin-ourmine-breach/ This shows the real danger of password reuse at the time of big data breaches happening all the time. →
https://thestack.com/security/2016/06/06/zuckerberg-dadada-linkedin-ourmine-breach/ This shows the real danger of password reuse at the time of big data breaches happening all the time. →
https://thestack.com/security/2016/06/06/vk-100-million-clear-text-passwords-stolen/ The breach was reported by LeakedSource, which has added the 100,544,934 records to its database of 1.8 billion purloined records, and has provided a searchable interface for the data. The question is what went wrong? It seems that the passwords were in clear text, system could be hacked and hack was not detected soon →
93% of phishing emails are now ransomware http://www.csoonline.com/article/3077434/security/93-of-phishing-emails-are-now-ransomware.html As of the end of March, 93 percent of all phishing emails contained encryption ransomware, according to a new report from anti-phishing vendor. That was up from 56 percent in December, and less than 10 percent every other month of last year. The skyrocketing growth is due to →
https://www.technologyreview.com/s/601451/why-autocorrect-for-passwords-is-a-great-idea/ Autocorrect for passwords looks like a bad idea at first sight. But turns out that it is actually a good idea when done properly! →
The Big List of Naughty Strings is an evolving list of strings which have a high probability of causing issues when used as user-input data. This is intended for use in helping both automated and manual QA testing. blns.txt consists of newline-delimited strings and comments which are preceded with #. For those who want to access →
http://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2016/05/the-privacy-problem-with-digital-assistants/483950/?utm_source=atlfb Digital assistants will quickly get more information on you than you might expect or want them to get. That’s one price of convience they offer. →
http://www.iflscience.com/technology/how-check-if-youve-been-hacked-within-seconds There is a service that allows you to check if your information has been breached in any recent hacks. →
https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2016/05/nist_starts_pla.html Quantum computers will break easily many popular encryption systems, so we need something new. →
Silicon Labs presentation at Arrow IoT summit. The presenter Lars Lydersen had hacked quantun cryptopcraphy in 2010, which lead to downturn of that industry sector. He wants that that IoT manufacturers are serious on security or otherwise bad hacks to those systems can damage the size of the business of the whole IoT sector. →
Is your password in this art? Those are the most popular passwords. Source: Arrow IoT Summit →