12 must-see IT security talks that’ll change how you see tech
https://www.miradore.com/must-see-security-talks/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=blog Interesting selection of talks. Try not to loose your sleep on those issues. →
https://www.miradore.com/must-see-security-talks/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=blog Interesting selection of talks. Try not to loose your sleep on those issues. →
http://interestingengineering.com/german-nuclear-power-plant-infected-computer-virus/ Nuclear power plants are not safe from computer viruses! →
https://theintercept.com/2016/04/28/new-study-shows-mass-surveillance-breeds-meekness-fear-and-self-censorship/ →
German nuclear plant found riddled with Conficker, other viruses | Apps and Software | Geek.com http://www.geek.com/apps/german-nuclear-plant-found-riddled-with-conficker-other-viruses-1653415/ Malware has been running wild at a German nuclear plant in Gundremmingen. Many viruses in nuclear power! The viruses, which include “W32.Ramnit” and “Conficker”, were discovered at Gundremmingen’s B unit in a computer system retrofitted in 2008 with data visualization →
http://spectrum.ieee.org/tech-talk/telecom/security/in-privacy-v-security-endtoend-encryption-is-definitely-winning End-to-end security protects end users, but causes headaches to national security organizations because it is harder to follow. Any legistlation aimed against encryption will just make situation worse for everybody in the long run. →
http://spectrum.ieee.org/energy/the-smarter-grid/upgrade-coming-to-grid-cybersecurity-in-us Ukraine blackout in December 2015 was a wakeup call for better cyber security. →
http://spectrum.ieee.org/tech-talk/telecom/security/mobile-forensics-ceo-proposes-controversial-publicprivate-key-access-for-smartphones This article discusses different potential approaches how law enforcement could get access to encrypted phones when needed but still have some security left. Is that possible or practical? Does not look good. →
Man accidentally ‘deletes his entire company’ with one line of bad code from The Independent shows a good example how a small mistake can sometimes cause huge problems. Be careful and have proper backup system. Mr Marsala wrote on a forum for server experts called Server Fault that he was now stuck after having accidentally run →
I work for Netcontrol that makes provides energy network automation solutions for utility communication, distribution automation, substation automation, and control centers. I have done lots of work with their embedded systems and their security. And I write to this blog actively covering many topica from electronics to network security. Now some news from my daily →
http://badlock.org/ Something wrong with Samba. Security problems expected for network storage devices. More details coming in few days. Affects Linux and Windows. Posted from WordPress for Android →