
Darpa Invites Techies to Turn Off-the-Shelf Products Into Weapons in New ‘Improv’ Challenge – IEEE Spectrum

The good news is that some of today’s most advanced technologies are cheap and easy to find, both online and on the shelves of major chain stores. That’s also the bad news, according to DARPA. Darpa Invites Techies to Turn Off-the-Shelf Products Into Weapons in New ‘Improv’ Challenge article tells that defense agency is nervous

What ISPs Can See

What ISPs Can See: Clarifying the technical landscape of the broadband privacy debate Truly pervasive encryption on the Internet is still a long way off. The fraction of total Internet traffic that’s encrypted is a poor proxy for the privacy interests of a typical user. Even with HTTPS, ISPs can still see the domains

Why Is the U.S. Determined to Have the Least-Secure Credit Cards in the World? – The Atlantic

For years, when it came to credit-card security, the United States was the last major holdout in the developed world, continuing to issue cards with magnetic stripes rather than the more-secure microchip EMV cards (EMV stands for the three companies that pioneered the chip: Europay, Mastercard, and Visa). Posted from WordPress for Android