The Mystery of the Creepiest Television Hack | Motherboard Interesting story on TV broadcast hacking that happened in 1987. Posted from WordPress for Android → Interesting story on TV broadcast hacking that happened in 1987. Posted from WordPress for Android →
Keeping drones in check article tells that drones are one of the hottest categories of consumer electronics products today. They’re also one of the most controversial. The name drone is usually used to refer to Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) or Robot vehicle in general. Recently there has been a large number of problems with drones →
The technology that keeps your text messages private had its start on the banks of the Tigris River, 3500 years ago. The Long and Winding History of Encryption article tells the long story of the encryption. Never in history have more people had access to advanced encryption in their homes, offices, and pockets. The democratization → Posted from WordPress for Android →
Everybody says that Linux is secure by default and agreed to some extend (It’s debatable topics). However, Linux has in-built security model in place by default. The default security offered by normal Linux distributions might not be enough for demanding server applications. So usually you need to tune Linux security setting up and customize as → Posted from WordPress for Android →
I visited first event on Saturday evening in Helsinki. wish to encourage hacker culture, and bring together like minded individuals at a gathering to share information and to train the skills our adversaries use against us. The goal is to foster a vibrant community of makers, breakers and shakers. The event tries to →
There was a street repair work at my way to work. The street the workers put up a set of automated wireless traffic lights to control the flow of traffic during the works (the road was reduced to one line where cars can drive to opposite directions at different times). Here is a closer view → Posted from WordPress for Android → Posted from WordPress for Android →