
Ransomware Is Coming to Medical Devices

Motherboard writes about a new worring secury issue in article Ransomware Is Coming to Medical Devices. It teells that according to a report released recently week by Forrester Research the number one cybersecurity prediction for 2016: “We’ll see ransomware for a medical device or wearable.” Ransomware today is big business. Ransomware takes control of a

Risto Linturi digital future

Around two weeks ago when I visited AudioVisual Helsinki 2015 fair (on which I wrote AudioVisual Helsinki 2015 report) I also happened to walk trough FinnSec 2015 Fair (18-20.11.2015) that was held at the same location. Besides traditional security (like locks, alarms, security people, fire protection etc.) there was also discussion the IoT security. On Thursday,

Uses for Quantum Entanglement

Are advances in quantum science good or fad for  encryption? It is both. It is believed that quantum computers can break many widely used encryption systems too easily: Quantum computing is a major threat to crypto, says the NSA. Cryptographers are already interested in post-quantum crypto – they are working to develop new algorithms that