
Hardware Weaknesses of 2021

First CWE Security Report Highlights the “Most Important Hardware Weaknesses” of 2021 has been released. “The goals for the 2021 Hardware List are to drive awareness of common hardware weaknesses through CWE, and to prevent hardware security issues at the source by educating designers and programmers on how to eliminate important mistakes early in the

Braktooth breaks Bluetooth

The United States Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) warned last week on proof-of-concept (PoC) code for the BrakTooth Bluetooth vulnerabilities now being publicly available. BrakTooth is the name researchers with the Singapore University of Technology and Design gave to a set of roughly two dozen vulnerabilities in commercial Bluetooth Classic (BT) stacks and which

Contactless credit card secrets

Let’s take look at a modern credit card and the nifty electronics it contains. Modern credit cards contains a micro-controller that is connected to the credit card chip contacts and on cards with wireless payment also to an antenna coil inside the card. On the surface the chip inside a card is a typical micro

OWASP updates top 10

OWASP updates top 10 vulnerability ranking for first time since 2017 “Nonprofit foundation Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) has released an updated draft of its ranking of the top 10 vulnerabilities, the first changes to the list since November 2017.” The list is available on-line at Maybe the most significant change in

Big Outage Day October 4, 2021

Monday October 2021 was an Internet outage day. Many Facebook users faced outage and felt they had “internjet” instead of Internet. Also has few hours outage. went down few hours earlier. When I got my server up, in few hours Facebook was able to get their site up. Interesting correlation, but correlation does

Death by malware

Years ago cyber security experts have expected that in coming years malware can start to kill people. If hackers attack your organization and you’re in an industry such as financial services, engineering, or manufacturing your risks are mostly monetary. But when it comes to healthcare cybersecurity, not only is there significant financial jeopardy, people’s health

USB spy cables are here

Can a USB data cable be altered into a Spying data? Absolutely YES! There are many potential problems with USB cables. The USB Security is fundamentally broken and modern electronics can be made so small that you can fit all kinds of nasty circuits inside USB cable if you want to do that. And some