
The NSA Archive

The suspicions the National Security Agency has gone far beyond its mandate of gathering information for counter-terrorism and foreign intelligence purposes were confirmed when, on June 5, 2013, The Guardian released the first in a series of documents provided by Edward Snowden detailing the NSA’s unlawful spying activities. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has

Spies target ‘leaky’ phone apps

New York Times, Guardian and ProPublic have reported that Spy Agencies Probe Angry Birds and Other Apps for Personal Data. In their globe-spanning surveillance for terrorism suspects and other targets, the National Security Agency and its British counterpart have been trying to exploit a basic byproduct of modern telecommunications: With each new generation of mobile

Friday Fun: The NSA Product Generator

The NSA Product Generator automatically generates weirdly-codenamed fictional NSA spying products beyond the wildest paranoid’s dreams. Every time you refresh the page, you get a new product information page. They look so real it’s almost scary. The NSA Product Generator was inspired by the recent dump of NSA’s TAO product catalog.

NSA spy gadgets: LOUDAUTO

NSA’s ANT Division Catalog of Exploits for Nearly Every Major Software/Hardware/Firmware is interesting reading on gadgets NSA is claimed to use to spy on you. There was some discussion on Facebook on of those devices were real or not asking for my comments on some of the devices if they are feasible or not. Here

Security trends for 2014

Year 2014 will be a year of cybersecurity after the NSA revelations made in 2013: The headline news is that the NSA has surreptitiously “burrowed its way into nearly all the security architecture” sold by the world’s largest computer networking companies. A lot of people were shocked how NSA monitored and hacked almost everything in

What the NSA revelations mean for you?

I have linked to many news related to NSA spying information by Edward Snowden at Security trends for 2013 comments. He succeeded beyond anything the journalists or Snowden himself ever imagined (exploded round the world). But what do all this information really mean for you? The Guardian has a very good overview of the current

Keeping Your Data Private From the NSA

For the last week news sources have been full of controversy over the NSA’s controversial PRISM surveillance program (check the latest comments on my Security trends for 2013 article) after top-secret slides detailing the massive electronic surveillance programme were leaked last week by ex-CIA techie Edward Snowden. If those newspaper reports are accurate, the NSA’s

The Politics of Security

Well known security guru Bruce Schneier has an interesting blog posting titled The Politics of Security in a Democracy. It tells that terrorism causes fear, and we overreact to that fear. Our brains aren’t very good at probability and risk analysis: We think rare risks are more common than they are, and we fear them

Security trends for 2013

Year 2013 will be year of cyber security. CNN expects more cyber wars this year. Cybercrime is on the rise, and last year we saw more and more computer virus attacks. Security company Kaspersky Lab warns of more new cyber-threats against enterprises and mobile devices. Cyber security also relates to mobile. Security becomes an increasingly