Telecom and Networking

The internet is actually controlled by 14 people who hold 7 secret keys | IFLScience This sounds like something out of a Dan Brown book, but it isn’t: The whole internet is controlled by seven actual, physical keys. ICANN maps the numbers (easier for computers to use) with words (easier for humans to use). If someone were to gain control of ICANN’s database, that person would control the internet.  The physical

Researchers train drones to use Wi-Fi to look through walls | TechCrunch This is quite interesting -or frightening – WiFi radar application. A new system by University of California, Santa Barbara researchers Yasamin Mostofi and Chitra R. Karanam uses two drones, a massive Wi-Fi antenna, and a little interpolation to literally see through solid walls. One drone blasts Wi-Fi through the structure and another picks up the signal.

Want 5G? It’s going to take an IP anyhaul overhaul | EDN

Want 5G? It’s going to take an IP anyhaul overhaul | EDN–It-s-going-to-take-an-IP-anyhaul-overhaul?utm_content=bufferecb1e&utm_medium=social& Much of the ongoing discussion around 5G is focused on use cases: wireless broadband to the home, in-vehicle infotainment, immersive event experiences, truck platooning, remote health care, smart cities and smart factories to name a few. Mobile networks and cloud packet core

Who catches the IMSI catchers? Researchers demonstrate Stingray detection kit What’s needed is an independent method of identifying IMSI catchers in the wild. That’s what University of Washington researchers Peter Ney and Ian Smith have attempted to create with SeaGlass. “Up until now the use of IMSI-catchers around the world has been shrouded in mystery, and this lack of concrete information is a barrier to

The Many Benefits of HTTP/2 – The Media Temple Blog Now there is a budding new alternative to the endless caching and performance supplements. HTTP/2 — a new protocol update for HTTP by IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force).  HTTP/2 is the spiritual successor to HTTP/1 and provides much needed changes in security, speed, and usability. Let’s explore some of the key features and main benefits of implementing

After years of warnings, mobile network hackers exploit SS7 flaws to drain bank accounts • The Register O2-Telefonica in Germany has confirmed to Süddeutsche Zeitung that some of its customers have had their bank accounts drained using a two-stage attack that exploits SS7: Thieves exploited SS7 to intercept two-factor authentication codes sent to online banking customers. Is this beginning of end for use of SMS for two factor authentication? SS7 was known to be

Cell phones to operate underground

Cell phones do not work on tunels and other undeground contructions without help because many meters of earth, stone, concrete and steel to block the RF signals. To make cell phones to work underground, you need to build some sort of structure that allows signals to pass through so you can access your wireless data.

The main differences between internet privacy in the US and the EU European privacy regulations are generally more consumer-focused than U.S. rules. “Who is the focus of these laws? Is it about protecting us, and giving us all the information we need and allowing us to make informed choices?”  “Or is it about allowing Comcast to keep up with Google and Facebook when it comes to

Struggling towards 5G | EDN  5G is developing so fast it’s hard to get a handle on it, whether you’re responsible for building 5G systems or writing about them. Part of the problem is that 5G is not one proposed standard, it’s a growing set of them.  Every new proposal of this sort complicates the ability of standards bodies