Finns consume crazy amounts of data – no other country even comes close – Business Insider Nordic—no-other-country-even-comes-close-2016-12/ →—no-other-country-even-comes-close-2016-12/ →
It’s always interesting (and dangerous) to lay out some predictions for the future of technology, so here are a few visions: The exponential growth of broadband data is driving wireless (and wired) communications systems to more effectively use existing bandwidth. Mobile data traffic continues to grow, driven both by increased smartphone subscriptions and a continued → This interesting demo uses Alexa voice commands to control networking and server system. Almost like in movies… →
Fiber optic cable in essence, is a hair-like glass conduit that carries virtually any type of signal from one point to another at light speed (at the speed of light has in glass, around two thirds of the speed it has in free space). Today, practically every communication network contains fiber optics, because fiber’s extra → DDoS attacks have become more common and bigger in volume. Here are some tips to prevent them from disturbing your business… → Malware hits large number of home routers in Germany. →
An optical fiber is a flexible, transparent fiber made by drawing glass (silica) or plastic to a diameter typically slightly thicker than that of a human hair. Optical fibers are used most often as a means to transmit light between the two ends of the fiber and find wide usage in fiber-optic communications. Fibers are → Internet is now a dangerous place with hackers and rogue IoT devices! → → There are many IoT network topologies that suit different applications. →