Telecom and Networking

Future of Internet security

Within the last weeks there has been several things that can affect to the future of the Internet. First United Nations officially condemned the practice of countries shutting down access to the internet at a meeting of the Human Rights Council. It effectively extends human rights held offline to the internet – including freedom of

Audio over Ethernet (AoE) in 2016

I have written several earlier on audio over Ethernet technologies. Audio over Ethernet (AoE) is the use of an Ethernet-based network to distribute real-time digital audio. It is designed to replace bulky snake cables and fixed wiring with standard network structured cabling. Most AoE systems use proprietary protocols (at the higher OSI layers) which create

Why Wi-Fi Stinks—and How to Fix It – IEEE Spectrum This article is a very good overview on today’s WiFi wireless networking problems. WiFi is so popular that it works more or less baddly for many users. And new standards that promise more speed do not make WiFi more reliable.

From DMX-512 to ArtNet

Yesterday I posted about DMX-512 dimmer. DMX-512 is a lighting industry standard way of controlling lighting equipment.DMX-512 allows for one controller (like a lighting desk or computer) to control many lights from many manufacturers. DMX-512 fundamentally provides 512 channels of 8-bit resolution (0-255) level control(which constitue a DMX ‘universe’) using serial  RS-485 communications at 250

The Fathers of the Internet Revolution Urge Today’s Software Engineers to Reinvent the Web – IEEE Spectrum The web as it is used today has problems like security, privacy and big information silos. Re-invention and changes how web is needed to solve them.

How the Internet works: Submarine fiber, brains in jars, and coaxial cables | Ars Technica

How the Internet works: Submarine fiber, brains in jars, and coaxial cables | Ars Technica But how does Interner work? Take a deep dive into Internet infrastructure and visit to a subsea cable landing site. This article is simply not talking about the wonders of TCP/IP or pervasive Wi-Fi hotspots, though those are vitally important