Telecom and Networking

5 Myths About 5G – IEEE Spectrum 5G is hottest thing in wireless. There are so many things in 5G so open that I think that nobody can really say exactly what kind of system it will be. This article gives one overview to 5G.

New Finnish high tech magazine with articles written my me

Finland has received a new technology trade magazine focusing on developing new technology: Uusi Teknologia (=new technology).  Uusi Teknologia magazine’s first issue devoted to IoT solutions, industrial, internet security and future 5G mobile solutions as well as intelligent interactive textiles. Also included are high-end oscilloscopes and a new ways to program embedded systems. The magazine

Autonomous Driving Experts Weigh 5G Cellular Network Against Dedicated Short Range Communications – IEEE Spectrum What is the right communications technology for self-driving connected cars? Telecom operators want it to be their 5G network. But it is not the only technology…

Why aren’t Stingrays rendered ineffective by standard MITM defenses? – Information Security Stack Exchange There’s been a lot of reporting in the past few years about law enforcement agencies using IMSI catchers (also known as Stingrays after a popular brand of them) to intercept cellular communications. Stingrays and other IMSI-catchers violate the cell tower agreements by producing an illegal signal, pretending to be a cell tower.They control the