Telecom and Networking

WTF is… 4G

The great thing about standards, as some wit once said, is that there are so many to choose from. Mobile phones have a multiplicity of standards, nested within one another like a messy set of Russian dolls filled with alphabet soup. WTF is… 4G article tells about the newest hot mobile phone standard. The ‘generations’

Ethernet networks for telecom operators

Hardware developers familiar with the history of Ethernet in the enterprise may find themselves overwhelmed by the service diversity and complexity which must be addressed in applications for the local exchange carrier, long-haul or inter-exchange provider, and wireless operator. Analyze service complexity in a common Ethernet infrastructure article tasks Ethernet is called upon to perform

Last IPv4 Addresses Allocated

Today is a historic milestone for the Internet: the allocation of the last remaining IPv4 Internet addresses from a central pool. The ICANN pool of available unallocated addresses for IPv4 is completely depleted. The allocation of the final IPv4 addresses is analogous to the last crates of a product leaving a manufacturing warehouse and going

1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, and everything between

Just what is “4G,” anyway? It’s one higher than 3G, sure, but does that necessarily mean it’s better? 2G, 3G, 4G, and everything in between: an Engadget wireless primer tries to answer those and some other questions on mobile communications technologies. Here is my “short” summary of the different generations: 1G: Analogue cellphone technologies introduces

Communicating LED lamps

LEDs are used for a long time for all kinds of data communications applications ranging from wireless IR remote controls and IrDA to wired fiber optics communication. There has been many years ago also ideas on optical wireless LANs based on infrared, but they faded quickly. But now when LED lights are becoming very popular

GSM is insecure

Whatever assurances have been given about the security of GSM cellphone calls, forget about them now. Breaking GSM With a $15 Phone … Plus Smarts article tells that a pair of researchers demonstrated a start-to-finish means of eavesdropping on encrypted GSM cellphone calls and text messages, using only four sub-$15 telephones as network “sniffers,” a

System level transient voltage protection

The challenge of protecting today’s systems from transient threats is more complex than ever before. As semiconductor manufacturers introduce new wireline transmission devices built on smaller CMOS geometries, more circuit protection challenges are emerging. CommsDesign article System level transient voltage protection–Five in-depth answers to ESD questions gives answers to important questions that can ensure that