Telecom and Networking

Mosaic Browser was a start

Wired article April 22, 1993: Mosaic Browser Lights Up Web With Color, Creativity tells that NCSA Mosaic 1.0, the first web browser to achieve popularity among the general public, was released this day 1993. The web in the early 1990s was mostly text. NCSA Mosaic was the first web browser with the ability to display

Useful time protocols

The Network Time Protocol (NTP) is a protocol for synchronizing the clocks of computer systems over packet-switched, variable-latency data networks like Internet. The project is a big virtual cluster of timeservers providing reliable easy to use NTP service for millions of clients. Unfortunately NTP cannot be used everywhere without problems. NTP uses UDP on

Light for Communication between Computer Chips

New advances in optical communications are always interesting. IBM Scientists Create Ultra-Fast Device Which Uses Light for Communication between Computer Chips and IBM jumps ‘last hurdle’ to on-chip optical communication articles tell that IBM scientists few weeks ago unveiled a significant step towards replacing electrical signals that communicate via copper wires between computer chips with

Is H.264 a legal minefield?

H.264 use isn’t all free all the time. MPEG-LA is the industry group that licenses the H.264 patent portfolio to the likes of software companies, optical-disc duplicators, Blu-ray player makers, and others who have need to use H.264. MPEG LA licenses a portfolio of more than 1,000 H.264-related patents on behalf of 26 companies that

Broadband using LED lamps

Broadband through LEDs tips up article tells that German Scientists believe the light coming in to your home could by encoded to receive a wireless broadband signal. The scientists think they can transport data at high bandwidths (currently 230Mbps) by generating a signal in a room by slightly flickering all the lights in unison. The

Fake phones from China

Shanzhai ji gallery: Fake phones from China article looks into a Shanghai tech market to sort the fake from the real and to see how the fake iPhones stack up to the real thing. There are many brands of China Mobile Phones and almost of them are fake mobile phones with cheap price. This is

PC is not irrelevant

Google says desktop PC is three years from ‘irrelevance’. Google Europe boss John Herlihy told a “baffled” conference audience that very soon the smartphone will completely eclipse the desktop. “In three years time, desktops will be irrelevant,” he said. “In Japan, most research is done today on smart phones, not PCs.” Herlihy was trying to

Web technologies for mobile applications

I visited yeasterday Mobile Dev Camp. Mobile Dev Camp is a one day event devoted to developing mobile applications on the latest mobile platforms such as iPhone, Android, Maemo. It is held in Helsinki Finland. The end result waht I got from the presentations I followed that web techniologies are coming more and more into