Telecom and Networking

African pigeon faster than Internet?

I saw this interesting stunt mentioned on several news sites: Pigeon transfers data faster than South Africa’s Telkom. According to the article a South African information technology company Unlimited IT proved that it was faster for them to transmit data with a carrier pigeon than to send it using Telkom , the country’s leading internet

Google’s Chiller-less Data Center

Google (GOOG) has begun operating a data center in Belgium that has no chillers to support its cooling systems. Google’s Chiller-less Data Center is an article that describes Google elimination of chillers in its data center in Belgium. The facility relies entirely on free air cooling. The maximum temperature in Brussels during summer is lower

Control Systems for Live Entertainment, 3rd Edition

John Huntington’s Control Systems for Live Entertainment, 3rd Edition book offers an in-depth examination of control for lighting, lasers, sound, stage machinery, animatronics, special effects, and pyrotechnics for concerts, theme parks, theatre, themed-retail, cruise ships, museums, special and other events. This is an excellent reference concerning what’s going on in audio control as well as

Understanding Service Availability

Today the dependability of the communications infrastructure and the applications flowing over networks is more important than ever. Users rapidly become dependent on new networked services to conduct their personal and professional lives. Users expect new, innovative distributed services to be delivered on demand and without interruption. Understanding Service Availability article tells that communications and

Ethernet history

In 1973, Bob Metcalfe sent an internal memo to his colleagues at Xerox proposing a local system of interacting workstations, files, and printers. The devices would all be linked by one coaxial cable, he said, and would run within a local area network. He called the system an Ether Network, or Ethernet. And 36 years