Trends and predictions

Waiting for the new new thing The smartphone wars are over, and everybody won. Life without our phones is almost unthinkable.  But now that the gold rush is over, and we’ve entered the mopping-up phase – what next? What is, as Michael Lewis once put it, the new new thing? Conventional wisdom gives us five major contenders: AI, AR/VR, biotech,

Death of the smartphone and what comes after One day, not too soon — but still sooner than you think — the smartphone will all but vanish, like beepers and fax machines before it.  Make no mistake, we’re still probably at least a decade away from any kind of meaningful shift away from the smartphone.

Nanogrids, Microgrids, and Big Data: The Future of the Power Grid – IEEE Spectrum  The power grid’s interlocking technological, economic, and regulatory underpinnings were established about a century ago and have undergone only minimal disruption in the decades since. But now the industry is facing massive change.