Linux and open source have won, get over it | ZDNet Posted from WordPress for Android → Posted from WordPress for Android → Posted from WordPress for Android →
Here is my list of electronics industry trends and predictions for 2016: There was a huge set of mega mergers in electronics industry announced in 2015. In 2016 we will see less mergers and how well the existing mergers went. Not all of the major acquisitions will succeed. Probably the the biggest challenge in these → Posted from WordPress for Android →
The Internet of Things revolution started in 2015 and will continue to be strong in 2016. 2015 was the year everyone talked about the Internet of Things. (So was 2014. And 2013.) But unlike before, it was the year everyone started making plans, laying groundwork, and building the infrastructure. Internet of Things is coming. It’s → Posted from WordPress for Android → Posted from WordPress for Android →
Today is the last day of 2015 and it’s that time of year again. Linux and Unix SysAdmins New Year’s Resolutions (2016) article gives some good ideas to do in 2016 with Linux and security. Happy New Year 2016. →
My picks from audio and video trends for 2016: Smartphone have increased screen sizes and have finally become mobile TVs: Smartphones have overtaken the tablets as the most popular mobile device for viewing videos. The most watched content were targeted at teenagers videos and animation series for children. Smartphone cameras are great, or at least close →
Here are my predictions for trends in information security and cyber security for year 2016. Year 2015 was bad for information security was pretty, and I would say that the trend is worrying. So I expect the year 2016 will have many information security challenges. If you want to keep yourself up at night, spend →