Trends and predictions

Razor-thin profits are cutting into newspapers’ chances at innovation

Ken Doctor / Nieman Lab: Newspaper companies will continue to struggle with digital innovation without better cashflow — Newsonomics: Razor-thin profits are cutting into newspapers’ chances at innovation Newsonomics: Razor-thin profits are cutting into newspapers’ chances at innovation It’s taken lots of cuts to keep American newspaper companies even slightly profitable. But without better

Looking for Computing Reboot

IEEE has an interesting working group and web page called Rebooting Computing. “Rebooting Computing” was coined by IEEE Life Fellow Peter Denning as part of his National Science Foundation-sponsored initiative to revamp computing education. The group will work from a holistic viewpoint, taking into account evolutionary and revolutionary approaches. Why this is important? Computing Needs

Aftermath Web 2014

Here is a my look back on web development trends from 2014. 2014 was quite a year, and things did not in all details turn out as predicted on some predictions. I did not make my own predicions specifically on web development, but my computer trends 2014 posting had some web related predictions. Web is still