Trends and predictions

Aftermath: Mobile trends 2014

In the begining of 2014 I wrote posting Mobile trends for 2014 that includes my expectations for year 2014. As year 2014 ends quite soon, it is a good idea to look back how well those estimations went. I use italics for material from the original Mobile trends for 2014 posting. Mobile infrastructure must catch

Aftermath: Audio Video 2014

In the begining of this year I wrote posting Audio and video trends for 2014 that includes my expectations for this year. As year 2014 ends quite soon, it is a good idea to look back how well those estimations went. I use italics for material from the original Audio and video trends for 2014 posting.

Razor-thin profits are cutting into newspapers’ chances at innovation

Ken Doctor / Nieman Lab: Newspaper companies will continue to struggle with digital innovation without better cashflow — Newsonomics: Razor-thin profits are cutting into newspapers’ chances at innovation Newsonomics: Razor-thin profits are cutting into newspapers’ chances at innovation It’s taken lots of cuts to keep American newspaper companies even slightly profitable. But without better