The Robots Are Coming, the Robots Are Here | Motherboard This year was big for machines. Posted from WordPress for Android → This year was big for machines. Posted from WordPress for Android → Posted from WordPress for Android →
My assumptations I made in Security trends 2014 posting is in italic font style. There will still be NSA aftershocks after new material comes out and different parties react to them (and news sources write about them). U.S. cloud services have been put into question for good reason. There will be a lot of NSA → Posted from WordPress for Android →
Year 2015 is coming, and here are links to some article worth to read to get to know what to expect in technology: IEEE: Top 10 technology trends for 2015 article tells that IEEE Computer Society announces the top 10 most important technology trends for 2015 and explores how these technologies will be integrated into → Posted from WordPress for Android → My answer is that C is still very relevant today, especially in embedded systems development. Posted from WordPress for Android →
In the begining of this year I wrote posting Electronics trends for 2014 that includes my expectations for this year. As year 2014 ends in few weeks, it is a good idea to look back how well those estimations went. I use italics for material from the original Electronics trends for 2014 posting. The Internet →
I write about issues going on in transition from traditional print media to on-line digital media in my posting Old media and digital media – part 1. This post is a continuation to it. The situation does not look too good for traditional media. Traditional media has been able to solve it’s challenges with aggregation or →
Internet of Things is going to affect more and more our everyday life. All kinds of devices have got or are getting network connectivity. It seems that the IoE is inevitable. We must expect a rapidly growing number of devices to be rendered “smart” and thence to become interconnected. Internet of Everything’ (IoE) – the →