
Networking trends 2025

Ethernet recently celebrated its 50th anniversary as the most widely deployed technology for enterprise network connectivity. Ethernet switches: 2024 was a difficult year for Ethernet Campus Switch sales, with a 20 percent contraction compared to record revenues in 2023. The market is expected to rebound in 2025 and beyond, fueled by refresh cycles and Wi-Fi

20 years of Arduino

Today is Arduino Day, and it also happens to be Arduino’s 20th anniversary. Videos: https://youtu.be/FMcchyyTR4Y?si=oMr8BgGn1rXxv0yZ https://www.youtube.com/live/4uCY7vdctTE?si=a__JQJ8_vIEZapNy More: https://www.sttinfo.fi/tiedote/70960527/arduino-at-embedded-world-2025-20-years-building-partnerships-and-disrupting-tech?publisherId=58763726&lang=en https://www.electronicdesign.com/technologies/industrial/boards/article/55276354/electronic-design-arduino-day-2025-and-arduinos-20th-anniversary

Happy Pi Day

Every March 14 (3/14), mathematicians, scientists and math lovers around the world celebrate Pi Day, a commemoration of the mathematical sign pi (π), expressed most simply by the decimals 3.14 That 3.14 “joke” does not work so well in Europe where this date is normally written as 14.3.2025. The March 14 date coincides with Einstein’s

Friday Fun: Finnish language memes

12 Finnish language memes to make you laugh out loud https://veryfinnishproblems.com/blogs/news/12-finnish-language-memes-to-make-you-laugh-out-loud Finnish memes have become increasingly popular in recent years. Finnish memes, or “Suomi-memet” as they are known in Finnish, have become a cultural phenomenon in Finland and beyond.

Friday Fun: Audio lyrics

Audio Engineer Shitposting on Facebook has a competition: Turn any famous song lyrics into a bad mixing advice. The original examples were those: Whoa, we’re half way there Whoa oh, don’t eq your snare She was a streamer girl he was a pirate boy? It gave me inspiration to make some of my own mixing

CCW 2023 seminar

I visited yesterday Critical Communications World 2023 seminar. My report article is published in Finnish at https://www.uusiteknologia.fi/2023/05/24/nokia-hyvin-esilla-drone-ratkaisullaan/

May 4 Star Wars Day

May 4 is the Star Wars Day. The words, “May the 4th” seem to beg for the rest of the catchphrase to be uttered. Star Wars Day is an informal commemorative day observed annually on May 4 to celebrate the Star Wars media franchise created by founder, former chairman and CEO of Lucasfilm, George Lucas.

Is Friday The 13th Actually An Unlucky Day?

Is Friday The 13th Actually An Unlucky Day? Friday the 13th is considered an unlucky day in western superstition. There are several theories on why it has become known as unlucky range. Bizarrely, scientists have looked into if Friday The 13th is really more unluckily than other days. Is there any truth to the idea

World Introvert Day

Introverts worldwide get to celebrate World Introvert Day on January 2, the day after the dreaded festivities of the past year ends, when they can finally get some peace and quiet to recharge their social batteries. This day is best celebrated, not by throwing a party, but by canceling one. https://nationaltoday.com/world-introvert-day/