WWW dev

The next version of HTTP won’t be using TCP | Ars Technica

https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2018/11/the-next-version-of-http-wont-be-using-tcp/ HTTP is switching to a protocol layered on top of UDP. Today’s HTTP (versions 1.0, 1.1, and 2) are all layered on top of TCP (Transmission Control Protocol). TCP isn’t particularly tuned for the kinds of scenarios that HTTP is used for. TCP requires a number of round trips between client and server to

How to scale your website across all mobile devices and some other www tips

https://opensource.com/article/18/8/how-scale-your-website-across-all-devices According to this article the most successful websites are designed with a mobile-first approach. The significant year-over-year growth of online business transactions done via mobile devices has encouraged companies to build websites and e-commerce sites that look, feel, and function identically on computers and smart mobile devices. This article gives ideas how to build

Save The Link

https://savethelink.org/ Linking is the foundation of the Web. Links are what empower us to access the greatest collection of human knowledge. Outdated media publishers are successfully lobbying all over the world to restrict linking on the Internet. Tell decision-makers that you oppose regulations that aim to censor links. One service that you can use for

The Ultimate Guide to WordPress and GDPR Compliance (in Plain English)

http://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/the-ultimate-guide-to-wordpress-and-gdpr-compliance-everything-you-need-to-know/ Are you confused by GDPR, and how it will impact your WordPress site? This article tries to explain everything you need to know about GDPR and WordPress (without the complex legal stuff). The EU isn’t some evil government that is out to get you. Their goal is to protect consumers.

FIDO Alliance and W3C have a plan to kill the password | TechCrunch

https://techcrunch.com/2018/04/10/fido-alliance-and-w3c-have-a-plan-to-kill-the-password/ This looks interesting. By now it’s crystal clear to just about everyone that the password is a weak form of authentication but used a lot. Today, two standards bodies, FIDO and W3C announced a way that looks better, a new password free protocol for the web called WebAuthn. The major browser makers including Google,

Font Psychology: What The Marketing Posters For Netflix’s Top 50 Shows Can Teach Us – Venngage

https://venngage.com/blog/font-psychology/ The promotional poster might have more to do with it than you realize. Specifically…the TV show’s title font. You may have heard about color psychology before. But have you heard of font psychology? So when it comes time to design an ad, or a product label, or a logo, put some thought into the

Know how RESTful your API is: An Overview of the Richardson Maturity Model – RHD Blog

https://developers.redhat.com/blog/2017/09/13/know-how-restful-your-api-is-an-overview-of-the-richardson-maturity-model/ Let’s say we designed a REST API. How do we know how much Restful API is? Some developers call it “Not Restful API”, some call it “Partially Restful API”, for some, it is “Fully Restful API”, and for some “It is not REST API at all or they call it SOAP based web service”.

The web will soon be a little safer with TLS 1.3

https://techcrunch.com/2018/03/23/the-web-will-soon-be-a-little-safer-with-the-approval-of-this-new-security-standard Transport Layer Security version 1.3 promises to make encrypted connections on the web faster and more resistant to snooping. The approval of TLS 1.3 has been long in coming for four years. The IETF approval is a big step towards the standard being adopted by big companies, web services, and other, higher-level standards. You