All about electronics and circuit design
http://www.oulu.fi/university/node/54247 IRC turns 30! This Finnish invention was revolutionary and changed lives. And it lives on. IRC (Internet Relay Chat) was born at the Department of Information Processing Science of the University of Oulu 30 years ago. Jarkko Oikarinen developed the internet chat system back in 1988. →
https://opensource.com/article/17/9/messy-sensor-data This tutorial explains how to use Pandas and Python to work with messy data. If you have never used Pandas before and know the basics of Python, this tutorial is for you. This tutorial shows how to clean up messy data with Python and Pandas in several ways, such as: reading a CSV file →
Managing energy demand spikes with seasonal forecasts of heatwaves and cold spells https://horizon-magazine.eu/article/managing-energy-demand-spikes-seasonal-forecasts-heatwaves-and-cold-spells_en.html The impact of heavy droughts, heatwaves and cold spells on energy demand and supplies would be lessened with seasonal climate forecasts that allow energy companies to better predict spikes in usage ahead of time, researchers say. Researchers already have the ability to →
http://www.iflscience.com/health-and-medicine/scientists-have-successfully-reversed-the-aging-of-human-cells-in-the-lab/ This looks interesting: The researchers were able to reverse the aging process of some old human cells by delivering a specific molecule to their mitochondria, the structures within cells where energy is produced. This approach stops the cells from becoming senescent, a point at which they can no longer duplicate. Some researchers believe that →
https://www.boredpanda.com/art-comics-about-artists/ All artists have a lot in common. To celebrate all the artists out there, Bored Panda has put together a list of hilarious comics that maybe only artists will understand. Or maybe you can also find something funny in them also? Maybe computer or electronics expert could use this same reasoning…. →
https://blog.adafruit.com/2018/08/15/circuitpython-on-raspberry-pi-updated-guides-for-ads1x15-bme680-mcp4725-tsl2561-tsl2591/ It’s CircuitPython on Raspberry Pi! Wire up your favorite sensors and use the same CircuitPython code you’ve been using with microcontrollers right on your Raspberry Pi! Adafruit provides many projects, libraries and example code for CircuitPython on microcontrollers. Python is pretty easy to get it working with micro-computers like Raspberry Pi or other ‘Linux →
https://nordic.businessinsider.com/former-nasa-engineer-will-sail-from-finland-to-estonia-in-solar-powered-sauna–/ Janne Käpylehto is former NASA engineer who describes himself as ‘a serial entrepreneur, author and energy expert’. His floating sauna will attempt to sail 80 km across the Gulf of Finland to Estonia. The sauna is propelled by a motor powered by solar panels →
This is a story goes back to around 25 years. This a a story of Bogus Party III Video by Bogus Device computer demo that I was making in 1993. The demoscene is an international computer art subculture focused on producing demos: self-contained, sometimes extremely small, computer programs that produce audio-visual presentations. The purpose of →
https://spectrum.ieee.org/automaton/robotics/home-robots/why-the-pursuit-of-a-killer-app-for-home-robots-is-fraught-with-peril Many companies want to build the “killer app” for personal robots, sell millions of them, and then create a platform for others to build more. This “the iPhone strategy” seems to be doomed to failure because robots are not cellular phones, email, or web browsing. Both Jibo and Kuri sought to sell a product →
https://techcrunch.com/2018/08/06/say-hello-to-android-9-pie/ The nickname for just released Android 9 is “Pie.” If you are a Pixel owner, you’ll be happy to hear that Pie will start rolling out as an over-the-air update today. The same goes for every other device that was enrolled in the Android Beta and qualifying Android One devices. Everybody else, well, you →