All about electronics and circuit design
The Finnish sauna is a substantial part of Finnish culture. It was inscribed on the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Lists at the 17 December 2020 meeting of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. The sauna in Finland is an old phenomenon and its roots are difficult to trace. Saunas →
I had most journalism work at Teknologia 2023. I spent last week two days at Teknologia 2023 and Cyber Security Nordic 2023 events in Helsinki Finland. Here are published material from the event: https://www.uusiteknologia.fi/2023/11/07/teknologia23-messut-aukesivat/ – I took picture https://www.uusiteknologia.fi/2023/11/08/teknologia23-suomessa-osataan-sirusuunnittelu-ja-piirituotanto/ – text and pictures https://www.uusiteknologia.fi/2023/11/08/suomalainen-iot-yritys-voitti-tietoturvapalkinnon/ – picture and text material https://www.uusiteknologia.fi/2023/11/10/teknologia23-tarjosi-passiivijaahdytysta-reunalaskentaan/ – text and pictures More →
I wrote a technical article on embedded systems and IoT security to Uusiteknologia.fi magazine: Designing modern electronics+ information security With the latest smart electronics and embedded microprocessors, devices connected to the network can be implemented even better, but even better care must be taken of their data security and protections. This Designing modern electronics article →
TCP/IP was born in this day 50 years ago when the editors of IEEE Transactions on Communications received a manuscript from Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn which described a method for sending packets across networks. Exactly which day Cerf and Kahn’s manuscript was received by the IEEE editors is not clear (it was either November →
ADAM RUINS EVERYTHING K1 J41 Adam Ruins Everything Corrects ITSELF! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-ijI_kGG1eg..7 Adam Ruins Everything – Why “Moderate Drinking” isn’t Really Good for You | truTV https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sdKlRYha_Yc →
This posting is here to collect cyber security news in November 2023. I post links to security vulnerability news to comments of this article. You are also free to post related links to comments. →
Halloween is coming and you might think you need some scary/funny decoration for it. It’s a chance to give everyone in the neighborhood a jump scare. Here are some links ideas. Modern Halloween Decorations can be built with some Addressable LEDs, weather-resistant speakers and some other effects. 2023 Halloween Hackfest: Musical Jack-o-Lanterns Harmonize For Halloween →
Light cooking ideas for this Friday: Infrared cooking and using light instrument heat directly. You can’t do this with one of those new LED pars. PAR Cans are the most widely used light for concerts, clubs, and theatrical lighting. Some people have cooked with them. https://www.controlbooth.com/threads/cooking-with-par-cans.47071/ Here are few examples from the discussion: Alton Brown →
Electrolytic capacitors blow up when they are pushed too hard. That’s normally a very bad thing. This hardware hack uses exploding capacitors as a propellant. For purely for innovation and engineering, this YouTube experimenter built a working capacitor revolver and tested its capabilities. I Built An Electric Capacitor Revolver! https://youtu.be/4Fy9bZEufx0?si=1iZFB-Kvs1GvOzR8 Funny idea, but not the →
The micro:bit is a small, pocket-sized computer board that can be programmed to perform a wide range of tasks, from displaying messages and images to interacting with sensors and creating simple games. Micro:bit programming is designed as an exciting and accessible way to introduce coding and electronics to beginners of all ages. The available languages →