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https://yle.fi/uutiset/osasto/news/who_finland_has_the_worlds_cleanest_air/10188554 Finland’s air quality is better than that of any other country on earth, according to statistics from the World Health Organisation published by the Finnish Meteorological Institute. Monitoring stations suggest that there are some 6 microgrammes of small particles per cubic metre of air in Finland, the lowest figure recorded worldwide. →
Blockchain technology is claimed to be according to blockchain proponents to be one of the most impactfull discoveries in the recent history. It is promised to have a massive potential to change how we handle online transactions. Despite some skeptics, the majority of experts agree that blockchain has the potential to disrupt the banking and →
Found this from eBay for about 2 dollars: New Mini Handy 2~150mA LED Tester Test Box for Light-emitting Diode Bulb Lamp Description: 100% brand new and high quality Material: Plastic Color: White Handy device for testing LED’s. Simply plug your LED into the correct holes (all of which are marked) and push the button to →
This posting is here to collect security alert news in May 2018. I post links to security vulnerability news to comments of this article. →
Helvar TS300 light dimmer is designed to dim incandescent light bulbs that are powered from 220-230V 50Hz AC power source. It is designed to be installed to wall in place of light switch. This is an old device that might not have been sold for ages. Once this type of dimmer was quite common on →
https://www.boredpanda.com/reality-behind-photography/ Behind the majority of great pictures there’s a skilled and creative photographer, but how creative can they get? Sure, nowadays digital manipulation is a big part of the final image but a lot of photographers still use physical work in ways that the rest of us couldn’t even come up with. Compiled by Bored →
http://www.wired.co.uk/article/hotel-hack-digital-lock-door-system-fsecure-assa-abloy Finnish cybersecurity firm F-Secure has revealed it found a flaw in the 20 years old digital lock system that may be used in millions of hotels worldwide. VingCard digital lock technology master key – which specifically worked on the Assa Abloy’s Vision lock – could be generated from any ordinary electric keycard, even ones →
Hackaday article Spoofing Cell Networks with a USB to VGA Adapter tells that at OsmoDevCon [Steve Markgraf] released osmo-fl2k, a tool which allows transmit-only SDR through cheap USB 3.0 to VGA adapters based on the Fresco Logic FL2000 chip. Available through the usual overseas suppliers for as little has $5 USD. The claim is that these devices →
http://www.iflscience.com/environment/over-95-percent-of-the-world-is-breathing-unsafe-air/ Seven billion people, over 95 percent of the world’s population, are breathing air that contains unhealthy levels of pollution. 60 percent of the world is living in areas that don’t even meet the most basic standards of air quality. The findings come from the State of Global Air 2018 (PDF), an annual assessment by →
https://techcrunch.com/2018/04/19/do-you-need-a-blockchain/ Blockchain technology is set to have a profound impact on a wide variety of industries. Blockchain technology is still surrounded by its fair share of hype and uncertainty. It seems that the term blockchain has become a bit diluted as the hype has continued to bloom. There is an inherent risk that managers eager →