
All about electronics and circuit design

Laserliner contactless voltage tester teardown

Here is a look what in inside a broken Laserliner Active Finder Plus contactless voltage tester that is designed to detect live lines from 24 V AC to 1000 V AC: Not much see on this side of circuit board. All I can see is place for two 1.5V batteries, beeper and LED. The other

Logitech wireless mouse teardown

Here is view what is inside logitech wireless optical mouse. Let’s open it When doing tear-down on this mouse I was hoping to find what was wrong on this broken mouse. I could not see any reason why it did not work anymore. If you are wondering what is that component connected with wires to

Happy 60th Birthday Lego!

https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/happy-60th-birthday-lego-brilliant-11922056 The little building blocks first appeared 60 years ago. Since it was patented on January 28, 1958, fans young and old have been building Lego creations.

Programmable Liquid Droplets from MIT Improve Every Aspect of Lab Work

https://blog.hackster.io/programmable-liquid-droplets-from-mit-improve-every-aspect-of-lab-work-59425428590f This special a lab-on-a-chip can programmatically move tiny droplets of liquids. This chip is a printed circuit board (PCB) with an array of small metallic plates that can be charged or discharged individually. When a droplet of liquid is resting on the board, that charging/discharging can precisely move it using the principle of electrowetting.

Modular LED lamps with IoT

The lighting industry is undergoing a revolution driven by LED technology. LED is is now the dominant lighting technology for all new buildings and retrofits. Yet today, only a small percentage of LED fixtures are supplied with IoT sensors installed. It was estimated 140 million LED fixtures were expected to be distributed in the United

Friday Fun: Most Complicated Word

Finnish comedian Ismo Leikola has been named as the winner of the Funniest Person in the World competition few years ago. Ismo Leikola performed stand-up comedy. this week at Conan O’Brien’s show. Ismo claims that “Ass Is The Most Complicated Word In The English Language“. Earlier Ismo thought “ass” just meant “butt.” But that’s just

Mosaic’s birthday: 25 years of the modern web | ZDNet

http://www.zdnet.com/article/mosaics-birthday-25-years-of-the-modern-web/ The first popular web browser was Mosaic. Mosaic’s first beta was released for Unix operating systems running X Window on January 23, 1993. It wasn’t the first graphical web browser. That honor goes to ViolaWWW, although some argue the even more obscure Erwise should get the credit for being the first web browser. I