
All about electronics and circuit design

Which machine learning algorithm should I use? – Subconscious Musings

https://blogs.sas.com/content/subconsciousmusings/2017/04/12/machine-learning-algorithm-use/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=analytics-global&utm_content=US_interests-conversions  This resource is designed primarily for beginner to intermediate data scientists or analysts who are interested in identifying and applying machine learning algorithms to address the problems of their interest.

The Art of Human Hacking

https://xeushack.com/the-art-of-human-hacking/ Now that we’ve been introduced to social engineering, it’s time to learn about the vulnerabilities in the system we’re trying to hack into: humans. Social engineering is all about making someone do something that they’re not supposed to do. 

What Tech Skills are Hot (React, Cloud) or Not (Linux, Tableau) – IEEE Spectrum

https://spectrum.ieee.org/view-from-the-valley/at-work/tech-careers/what-tech-skills-are-hot-react-cloud-or-not-linux-tableau  It’s a good time to have experience in React, the JavaScript library used to create user interfaces, according to a study released this week by job search firm Indeed.com. Meanwhile, a growing number of job seekers are touting their Linux skills, but employers are less interested. And Python’s status is, well, complicated, the Indeed study showed.

MRAM-like Device Could Make Logic Run Backwards

https://spectrum.ieee.org/nanoclast/semiconductors/devices/mramlike-device-could-make-logic-run-backwards This is an interesting idea: Engineers at Purdue University and the University of California at Berkeley have discovered that a simple combination of commonly available devices creates a computing element that could lead to some truly strange circuits: logic that can perform its inverse operation. Some important aspects of modern computing—notably encryption—depend on there being

Circuit breaker teardown

Here is teardown of 10 A DIN rail mounted miniature circuit breaker (Biltema brand) What you see when you open the case Turn around – circuit open/off/tripped Device reseted to “on” position On the left side of mechanism there is bimetallic overcurrent triggering mechanism – load current goes through bimetallic strip and heats it.  On

Linux antivirus and anti malware: 8 top tools | CSO Online

https://www.csoonline.com/article/3238884/linux/linux-antivirus-and-anti-malware-8-top-tools.html  By most estimates, more than 50 percent of web servers on the internet are running some version of Linux or a related *nix. That should be enough to drive home how critical it is to the ongoing success of the Information Age that you analyze, identify, and eradicate malware on or passing through your

Virtual security

New IT term of the day: Virtual security: Manufacturers claim their products are secure. In reality they are not. Related post:  http://www.epanorama.net/newepa/2017/12/01/were-hitting-rock-bottom-in-cyber-lets-do-something-techcrunch/