All about electronics and circuit design
http://osgameclones.com/ This site tries to gather open-source remakes of great old games in one place. You get the source code – and can even play some games in your browser. This is a long list which will bring back gaming memories. Some of these games aren’t exact remakes but evolution of original ones. Similar resources: check out Free Gamer, →
Dead bug prototyping “Dead bug style” circuit wiring is the cute name for soldering together components without a printed circuit board. The “dead bug” is the integrated circuit flipped upside down with its “legs” sticking up. The chips can be glued to almost any surface, but most often the surface material is circuit board with →
https://spectrum.ieee.org/tech-talk/computing/networks/report-scores-cities-to-figure-out-if-investing-in-technology-makes-them-safer More and more people are migrating to cities. By 2030, 60 percent of the world’s population will live in an urban setting, according to the United Nations. How can these growing cities reduce conflicts, crime, violence, and terrorism? In a word: technology. →
https://blog.cloudflare.com/performing-preventing-ssl-stripping-a-plain-english-primer/ Article on SSL security. It is beyond doubt that it is simply not secure to blindly trust the medium that connects your users to the internet. HTTPS was created to allow HTTP traffic to be transmitted in encrypted form This blog post presents a plain-english primer on how HTTPS protection can be stripped and →
https://www.google.fi/amp/s/www.wired.com/story/these-explosions-show-why-the-faa-doesnt-want-laptops-in-luggage/amp The US government wants a “laptop ban” on planes. But this time, it’s to prevent fliers from putting large electronics, like laptops, into their checked luggage. Is it safe to stow electronics—especially those with lithium-ion batteries—in cargo holds? It seems that lithiun-ion batteries combined with some other flammable items in cargo can make a very dangerous flammable →
https://boingboing.net/2017/10/10/hippo-gets-a-pumpkin-for-a-hal.html?utm_content=buffer9f695&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer Everyone loves Halloween, including the hippos at the i Zoo, because they get to chomp down on delicious pumpkins. Because hippo mouth was compared to press, here is bonus video: Hydraulic press vs pumpkin →
https://blog.hackster.io/introduction-to-injection-molding-d1597a442959 Unless your electronic product will be marketed solely to DIYers and electronics hobbyists it’s going to need an enclosure. Most likely this enclosure will be made of plastic that is injection molded to right shape. Injection molding is going be a big part of your journey to market so you need to understand injection molding →
Winter weather with snow has just came to southern Finland. Snow is not extreme weather here. Life, traffic and bisiness goes on normally here – snow does not stop anything here. →
https://www.theguardian.com/money/2017/oct/14/app-idea-downloads-financial-success It takes more than a great idea to ensure a financial success. This article gives thought from the people from Rovio who hit the jackpot in the app store with Angry Birds. You can create an incredible app, but if no one can find it on the app store, it won’t do well →
http://www.zdnet.com/article/reaper-botnet-could-be-worse-than-mirai-cyberattack/?lipi=urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Ad_flagship3_feed%3BMmD%2FR1DIQduoO1k8kb9JCA%3D%3D A little over a month ago, a sizable botnet of infected Internet of Things devices began appearing on the radar of security researchers. Now it’s on track to become one of the largest botnets recorded in recent years. The botnet, dubbed “Reaper” by researchers at Netlab 360, is said to have ensnared almost two million internet-connected webcams, →