
All about electronics and circuit design

Security Tools to Check for Viruses and Malware on Linux | Linux.com

https://www.linux.com/learn/intro-to-linux/2017/9/security-tools-check-viruses-and-malware-linux Wait, Linux needs antivirus and anti-malware solutions? I thought it was immune to such things. Perhaps a bit of clarification is necessary here. First and foremost, no operating system is 100 percent immune to attack.  Whether you need an antivirus or anti-malware scanner or a tool to hunt for rootkits, Linux has you covered.

Store Your Sensitive Data Safely When Sharing a Sketch – Arduino Project Hub

https://create.arduino.cc/projecthub/Arduino_Genuino/store-your-sensitive-data-safely-when-sharing-a-sketch-e7d0f0?ref=platform&ref_id=424_recent___&offset=0 Often in your sketch, there is some sensitive data that you’d like to keep private, which could accidentally become public when published on GitHub or when you share your sketch with someone else via URL.This sensitive information may include Wi-Fi network names and passwords, API key, and so on. But now, you can add a

Cheap USB soldering iron tested

I have earlier written about USB soldering iron and DIY USB soldering iron. The question is that how useful they are because of the limited power available from USB port (just few watts). The maximum power you can get from normal USB 2.0 port is only 2.5W (5V 500mA), but some special “charge” USB ports

How to send full-duplex data over a single twisted-pair CAT-5 cable | EDN

http://www.edn.com/design/analog/4458856/How-to-send-full-duplex-data-over-a-single–twisted-pair–CAT-5-cable?utm_content=bufferc3b4e&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer Higher data throughput, shorter response time, and lower installation costs are the key drivers behind the ongoing improvement efforts in industrial network design. That is why allowing the immediate and continuous exchange of binary data has made the full-duplex bus the preferred interface choice in point-to-point connections.  The world of RS-485 users is seeing

Scientists Connect A Human Brain To The Internet For The First Time | IFLScience

http://www.iflscience.com/brain/scientists-connect-human-brain-internet-first-time/ According to a press release, the team of neuroscientists and engineers have used an electroencephalogram (EEG) – a device that detects electrical signals in the brain – to transmit neurological activity to a cheap Raspberry Pi computer. This then live streams the data to a program running on a website that anyone can view at any time.

Take a trip through music history with the Great 78 Project

https://opensource.com/article/17/9/great-78-project link to the Great 78 Project, “a community project for the preservation, research, and discovery of 78 rpm records.” Currently it’s working to digitize the 200,000 or so 78 rpm records it has collected. The 78s that still exist present music that was recorded long ago—in some cases more than a century. The songs on them are mostly unknown today,