Search Results for "data center"

169 results found.

Aftermath: Security trends 2014

My assumptations I made in Security trends 2014 posting is in italic font style. There will still be NSA aftershocks after new material comes out and different parties react to them (and news sources write about them). U.S. cloud services have been put into question for good reason. There will be a lot of NSA

Cloudwash – Creating the Technical Prototype

How to build a IoT device? Cloudwash – Creating the Technical Prototype is an interesting project description how to design and build a connected washing machine. Cloudwash developers understood that to understand and design for this type of device, the designers need to have a working technical prototype that allows experimenting and getting experience. So

Secure software design tips

Avoiding the top 10 software security design flaws is a document published as part of the IEEE Computer Society cybersecurity initiative.  IEEE Computer Society Center for Secure Design. The Center intends to shift some of the focus in security from finding bugs to identifying common design flaws in the hope that software architects can learn

Wire ferrule crimping tools

Wire Ferrules (sometimes called Cord End Sleeves) allow the easy and reliable connection of flexible leads to screw terminals. Ferrules are the preferred alternative to twisting wire strands or tinning the wire end (tinned ends should not be terminated in compression clamps). Industrial best practice is to NOT tin wires that are to be terminated

Home Routers a Big Consumer Cyberthreat?

Home routers and firewalls are supposed to make users easy and safely connect many devices to their Internet connection. Those devices were advertised to make your Internet safer. In many cases they helped, but more and more often they itself be a real security problem. Strange but saddly true. Home Routers Pose Biggest Consumer Cyberthreat

Security trends for 2014

Year 2014 will be a year of cybersecurity after the NSA revelations made in 2013: The headline news is that the NSA has surreptitiously “burrowed its way into nearly all the security architecture” sold by the world’s largest computer networking companies. A lot of people were shocked how NSA monitored and hacked almost everything in

Software defined radio with USB DVB-T stick

Software-defined radio (SDR) has been a hot topic for many years. Software-defined radio (SDR) is a radio communication system where components that have been typically implemented in hardware (e.g. mixers, filters, amplifiers, modulators/demodulators, detectors, etc.) are instead implemented by means of software on a personal computer or embedded system. There has been many even free seems to be on news today everywhere. Facebook Leads an Effort to Lower Barriers to Internet Access article tells that half a dozen of the world’s tech giants, including Samsung, Nokia, Qualcomm and Ericsson, have agreed to work with the company as partners on the initiative, which they call The plan is to

Android was not for smartphones

Today Android sits as the most dominant mobile operating system on the planet, but would you believe that the platform’s original concept was aimed at? Do you know what was it? It was not associated with mobile phones. Android’s original plan was revealed in a speech at the Japan New Economy Summit in Tokyo on

RC servo modification for continuous rotation

A standard hobby RC servo motor is designed to rotate through only 180 degrees. They are most often used in RC applications (like steering). The servo motor controlling is done with servo control pulses (1-2 ms pulse at around 50 Hz rate). More details on the control signals can be found at Servo protocol web