All about electronics and circuit design
https://www.hackster.io/motea-marius/diy-complete-philips-hue-home-automation-dacb12?ref=channel&ref_id=425_published___&offset=0 This project looks like a very interesting home automation IoT project that provides tools for many applications: This project emulates a Philips Hue Bridge that is able to control Hue lights (using original Hue Bridge), IKEA Tradfri lights (usign Tradfri Bridge), Mi-Light bulbs (using MiLight Hub), Neopixel strips (WS2812B and SK6812) and any cheep →
Solderless breadboards are one of the most fundamental pieces when learning how to build circuits and prototyping simple circuits. A breadboard is a construction base for prototyping of electronics. Breadboard are the ideal way to check out small bits of circuitry that you’re not sure about. Originally it was literally a bread board, a polished →
https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2017/08/a-repair-shop-could-completely-hack-your-phone-and-you-wouldnt-know-it/ Booby-trapped touchscreens can log passwords, install malicious apps, and more. People with cracked touch screens or similar smartphone maladies have a new headache to consider: the possibility the replacement parts installed by repair shops contain secret hardware that completely hijacks the security of the device. The research, in a paper presented this week at the 2017 Usenix →
https://www.hackster.io/user70641842/web-based-universal-remote-for-under-4-probably-e9e929?ref=explore&ref_id=trending___&offset=4 Don’t buy a universal remote, make one. It’s cheaper, funner, universal-er, kind of, and you get to learn the ESP8266, kind of. You will need the Arduino IDE with whatever OS. Alternatively Linux and some C skills for the official Espressif stuff, but that’s unnecessarily challenging for this application. To get IR control codes →
Solar eclipse is nearing for people who live in USA. You can enjoy he view and even make scientific experiments (like verify yourself Was Einstein Right?). Whatever you do, be sure to know what to do to be safe. As August 21 solar eclipse in USA nears, remember that it’s extremely dangerous to look at the sun directly, even →
https://cleantechnica.com/2017/08/16/morgan-stanley-predicts-market-grid-storage-will-explode-next-3-years/ A new report authored by Stephen Byrd, a utility and cleantech analyst at Morgan Stanley, and Adam Jonas, its auto analyst, shows that they are bullish on the market for grid storage products. “Demand for energy storage from the utility sector will grow more than the market anticipates by 2019–2020,” the pair says. They predict →
https://www.open-electronics.org/a-complete-guide-to-arduino-based-video-camera/ Let’s have a look at a couple of video camera modules with Arduino support. You can easily order and use them for your project. Thus, let’s create a quite cheap video-camera that fully meets your expectations. →
https://hackaday.com/2017/08/13/visual-development-with-xod/ This looks interesting: If you program microcontrollers like the Arduino, you should check out XOD and see how you like visually creating software. The software is open source and currently, can target the Arduino or Raspberry Pi. Some alternative visual programming tools: – LabVIEW RT or Matlab Simulink – both very powerful, very stable, closed source →
https://opensource.com/article/17/8/gnome-20-anniversary?sc_cid=7016000000127ECAAY The GNOME desktop for Linux turned 20 today on August 15. The 20th anniversary is definitely something to celebrate! In the 20 years its initial release, GNOME has continued to innovate and improve. →