Search Results for "data center"

169 results found.

Ethernet in sensing

In the modern world sensors are used for recording everything from exhaust gas temperatures to the electrical activity in a human heart. Direct wiring methods are commonly used for simple on-off device control, where a circuit is either open or closed. Likewise, digital sensors are usually wired directly to monitoring panels in the world of

Bad Microvault USB memory

I bought some time ago Key Style Stainless Steel Hot Swapping USB 2.0 Flash Drive – Silver (8GB) hoping to get a nice USB memory that I can include to my keyring. The product got even some good reviews at Dealextreme product page. At first everything looked good. The good things was that this product

HDMI and ground loops

In my Audio and video signal susceptibility classes I wrote that digital video interfaces like DVI and HDMI can also have ground loop noise problems as they use a combination of balanced and unbalanced signals. Ground loop problem is one very possible source of intermittent problems over long distance in HDMI installations. This article is

Boeing 787 and Lithium Ion battery failure

There has been articles telling that Boeing 787 planes are grounded over safety concerns in USA. The Federal Aviation Administration has ordered U.S. airlines to stop operating the Boeing 787, after a series of battery and fuel system failures have called into question the airworthiness of the newly developed composite aircraft. Japan’s two biggest airlines

Aftermath: Electronics 2012

I wrote in the beginning of the year 2012 a blog article Electronics technologies for 2012 that tried to predict trends for year 2012. Now when year 2013 has started here is my aftermath how well my article predicted last year. So here are my comments on how well the predictions went. I use symbol

Security trends for 2013

Year 2013 will be year of cyber security. CNN expects more cyber wars this year. Cybercrime is on the rise, and last year we saw more and more computer virus attacks. Security company Kaspersky Lab warns of more new cyber-threats against enterprises and mobile devices. Cyber security also relates to mobile. Security becomes an increasingly

Class D amplifier module

A class-D amplifier or switching amplifier is an electronic amplifier where all power devices (usually MOSFETs) are operated as binary switches. They are either fully on or fully off. The term “class D” is sometimes misunderstood as meaning a “digital” amplifier. While some class D amps may indeed be controlled by digital circuits, the class

Electronics technologies for 2012

Product engineering organizations face the incredible challenge of ever shrinking market windows for innovation in 2012. Due to globalization, increasing competition and rapidly changing technology, there are many risks and uncertainties facing the new product development path. These opportunities if missed, can lead to huge costs and overwhelming complexity that can compromise quality and lead