
All about electronics and circuit design

Under the Hood of Luminar’s Long-Reach Lidar – IEEE Spectrum

http://spectrum.ieee.org/cars-that-think/transportation/self-driving/under-the-hood-of-luminars-long-reach-lidar Current automotive lidars scan their surroundings by firing pulses from semiconductor diode lasers emitting at 905 nanometers in the near infrared and recording reflected light to build up a point cloud mapping the car’s surroundings.  But laser-safety rules in the U.S. and other countries restrict the power in the laser pulse, limiting the lidar’s

How Facebook News Feed Works | TechCrunch

https://techcrunch.com/2016/09/06/ultimate-guide-to-the-news-feed/?utm_source=tcfbpage&sr_share=facebook This is the ultimate guide to how Facebook chooses what to show in your News Feed, and how you can get your content seen by more people. Understanding how the News Feed works is tough because the algorithm is always changing.

Linux Foundation launches the Open-source EdgeX Foundry for IoT standardisation

https://www.open-electronics.org/linux-foundation-launches-the-open-source-edgex-foundry-for-iot-standardisation/ Security is the Achilles heel of the Internet of Things, according to Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols on ZDNet. The lack of common IoT development standards is part of this problem. This is why the Linux Foundation, along with 50 companies, has announced The EdgeX Foundry. The group will build a common open framework for IoT

OutlawCountry: CIA’s Hacking Tool For Linux Computers Revealed

https://fossbytes.com/outlawcountry-cia-hacking-tool-linux/ Wikileaks has published fresh documents that deal with the CIA’s hacking and spying on Linux machines using a malware strain called OutlawCountry. This tool consists of a kernel module that creates invisible netfilter table for creating new rules with iptables command. Those rules can modify and redirect the network traffic. The OutlawCountry’s prerequisites for operation are

A new Petya-like malware hit

We have recently been facing a huge outbreak of a new Petya-like malware armed with an infector similar to WannaCry. With echoes of WannaCry, infections spread fast. The research is still in progress -Some security researchers describe malware as variant of Petya; others say it’s a brand new sample. The low-level attack works in the

1st American TV station begins broadcasting, July 2, 1928 | EDN

http://www.edn.com/electronics-blogs/edn-moments/4376579/1st-American-TV-station-begins-broadcasting–July-2–1928?utm_content=buffer0f991&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer Resolution was set at just 48 lines on the mechanical television sets that accepted the broadcasts. Mechanical televisions, also called televisors, were broadcast television systems that used mechanical or electromechanical devices to capture and display video images. Images themselves were usually transmitted electronically and via radio waves. The business lasted only few years, but