Search Results for "Arduino"

295 results found.

How to build your own DIY makeshift levitation machine at home • The Register Engineers at the University of Bristol in the UK have published a rough guide to building a simple levitation chamber that uses sound waves to suspend objects. A paper published in the Review of Scientific Instruments this month shows how it can be done within the confines of your own home lab. Using a 3D printer,

Web-Based Universal Remote for Under $4 (Probably) – Don’t buy a universal remote, make one. It’s cheaper, funner, universal-er, kind of, and you get to learn the ESP8266, kind of. You will need the Arduino IDE with whatever OS. Alternatively Linux and some C skills for the official Espressif stuff, but that’s unnecessarily challenging for this application. To get IR control codes

Visual Development with XOD This looks interesting:  If you program microcontrollers like the Arduino, you should check out XOD and see how you like visually creating software. The software is open source and currently, can target the Arduino or Raspberry Pi. Some alternative visual programming tools: – LabVIEW RT or Matlab Simulink – both very powerful, very stable, closed source

Assembly summer 2017 wild demos This YouTube playlist shows videos of interesting hardware plus software hacks. They can play computer demo multimedia with old game consoles, Arduino+LED sign, LEGOs and audio mixer… Many cool hacks I would say!  Assembly Summer 2017 event is still going on, more videos at AssemblyTV at YouTube and Assembly Summer 2017 pages.

Chip Hall of Fame: Atmel ATmega8 – IEEE Spectrum Atmel’s ATmega8 is one of the seed crystals of the modern maker movement. It’s at the heart of the first generation of the Arduino board. ATmega8 and its sibling chips such as the ATmega328P are used in current Arduino’s. The ATmega8 comes from the AVR line of microcontrollers, originally developed in the early 1990s by two students at the Norwegian University

ESP8266 IoT Contest – Simplify the Connected World – myDevices, SparkFun, and Espressifhave partnered to give you the world’s first ESP8266 IoT contest.  Show us how you use the ESP8266 to simplify the connected world! There is no project too big or too small. Want to monitor the temperature in a room? Perfect. Thinking of creating an automated garden? Excellent. Want to use