All about electronics and circuit design
https://opensource.com/article/17/6/what-know-you-open-source-your-project?sc_cid=7016000000127ECAAY Before your company makes a project open source, make sure you’re ready for all your new responsibilities to the community that forms around it. It’s the ecosystem, stupid With so much innovation happening in open source projects, why not take advantage of it across your product and supply chain? →
http://spectrum.ieee.org/at-work/innovation/multitasking-why-do-we-do-it Attention span has shrunk alarmingly short. We seem to look for and welcome distractions. “We are information-seeking creatures” Just as ancient humans foraged for food, we now forage for information (Maybe we need to include personal communications and entertainment in the general concept of information). We’re easily bored, and there is the FOMO effect, →
Tesla coils and other high voltage equipment that make sparks are always entertaining and potentially dangerous. There are some portable tesla coils you can buy online that say, “safe, low current”, and yet they still produce lightning and have a high voltage output.700K Mini Coil Tube Neon Glow Coil With Transparent Plate Power Supply For →
https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-patch-linux-kernel-stack-clash-vulnerability-cve-2017-1000364/ A very serious security problem has been found in the Linux kernel called “The Stack Clash.” The Qualys Research Labs discovered various problems in the dynamic linker of the GNU C Library (CVE-2017-1000366) which allow local privilege escalation by clashing the stack including Linux kernel. This bug affects Linux, OpenBSD, NetBSD, FreeBSD and Solaris, →
http://www.techrepublic.com/article/raspberry-pi-simulator-lets-you-start-tinkering-without-even-owning-a-pi/ Microsoft is building an online Raspberry Pi simulator that allows Makers to write code to control hardware… even without owning a board. At present, the simulator is in ‘preview’ and is quite rudimentary. →
https://techcrunch.com/2017/06/20/arduino-developers-get-extra-support-as-codeanywhere-acquires-codebender/?ncid=mobilenavtrend Codeanywhere, a cross platform cloud IDE for creating web apps and sites has acquired Codebender, another cloud IDE that enables users to develop for Arduino devices. Codebender and its additional services edu.cobebender.cc and blocks.cobebender.cc will continue to operate and be supported by Codeanywhere. Codebender has attracted about 100,000 users and more than 300,000 projects are →
https://techcrunch.com/2017/06/19/researchers-train-drones-to-use-wi-fi-to-look-through-walls/?ncid=rss&utm_source=tcfbpage&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Techcrunch+%28TechCrunch%29&utm_content=FaceBook&sr_share=facebook This is quite interesting -or frightening – WiFi radar application. A new system by University of California, Santa Barbara researchers Yasamin Mostofi and Chitra R. Karanam uses two drones, a massive Wi-Fi antenna, and a little interpolation to literally see through solid walls. One drone blasts Wi-Fi through the structure and another picks up the signal. →
https://www.davisnolan.com/kotlin-java-android-developer/ Ever since the Google I/O keynote, developers have been wondering whether they should stick to Java or start focusing on Kotlin, which is now an official programming language for the development of Android applications. The truth is that as opposed to Java, the resources for learning Kotlin are scarce. Java vs. Kotlin shouldn’t even be a →
Gartner has published a new magic quadrant for infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) – the results should not be surprising to anybody. Consider this posting as update to my previous cloud market posting few years back. Here is reporting on newest cloud market trends from two sources: Gartner puts AWS, Microsoft Azure top of its Magic Quadrant for IaaS →
http://robert.ocallahan.org/2017/06/how-i-found-20-year-old-linux-kernel-bug.html?m=1 This class of bugs — “small overrunning read that doesn’t get used” – was found on some wireless ioctl system calls. The bug was apparently introduced in Linux 2.1.15, released December 12, 1996. It’s interesting that it wasn’t found and fixed until now. I guess not many programs use these ioctls, and those that →