Search Results for "Arduino"

295 results found.

Intel Takes a Step Back In The Internet-of-things A few weeks ago,  Intel has quietly discontinued its three SBC boards, the Joule, Edison and Galileo. These pretty much represented the presence of x86 chips in the IoT market. SBCs are perfect for the IoT space. So, why would Intel kill off its SBC boards? It could be read as an admittance that its IoT strategy has not

Voice Controlled Bluetooth Car: 5 Steps This looks really interesting! Everyone has used the remote controlled car…. but what about a voice controlled car??? Ever used it?If not then you will build it now. Just you need an arduino as the brains and a smartphone.  Arduino nano is the brains of the project. Now the voice feature actually works with

The State of Boards: Small, Simple Hardware Rules | Make Over the last few years, we’ve seen a huge growth in the number and variety of both microcontroller boards and single-board computers.  The modern era, defined by microcontrollers becoming conveniently packaged on boards, began with the Arduino. The “classic” Arduino layout, including the irritating, irregular offset between pins 7 and 8, has become a standard. Similarly,

The DIY electronics transforming research Arduinos are one of a growing number of low-cost, stripped-down, and highly configurable computing devices that have transformed the field of homebrew and do-it-yourself electronics. Increasingly, they are transforming the research community too.  Available for as little as £4 (US$5) Arduinos and similar devices, such as the Raspberry Pi, pack considerable power on their

Using the Raspberry Pi as a Microcontroller Pi or Arduino? They’re both small, they’re both powerful, and they both get used in electronics hobby projects, but the Raspberry Pi is not an Arduino. However, the Pi can do a pretty good job of acting the part in a pinch. That said, don’t be afraid of trying the Arduino if you haven’t

LoRa for IoT

hen it comes to Internet of Things, connectivity to the internet is the primary area of focus.  The sensors on the IoT devices, wearables and electronic devices need to get connected easily – preferably wirelessly. IoT LPWA market is expected to grow at an annual rate of 90 percent. It is expected that in 2021

How to build an IoT project with Mongoose OS | This Mangoose OS looks interesting. The features it provides, including: An installation time of one minute Support for both C and JavaScript as development languages. The use of JavaScript allows for very fast prototyping, so projects like IoT button can be implemented literally in two minutes A simple networking interface that allows you to control devices