All about electronics and circuit design
https://developers.redhat.com/blog/2017/05/16/it-takes-more-than-a-circuit-breaker-to-create-a-resilient-application/?sc_cid=7016000000127ECAAY Topics such as application resiliency, self-healing, antifragility are area of interest for many. This article is trying to distinguish, define, and visualize these concepts, and create solutions with these characteristics. So what does a typical resiliency pitch look like: use timeouts, isolate in bulkheads, and of course apply the circuit breaker pattern. I agree with all →
http://securityaffairs.co/wordpress/59309/mobile-2/google-play-protect.html →
https://industrialinternetnow.com/ Here is an on-line publication with some interesting industrial IoT articles. →
https://www.atlassian.com/blog/software-teams/17-ways-get-kids-coding-holiday-season?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=paid-social&utm_campaign=atlassian_content_q4fy17&utm_content=17-ways-get-kids-coding Interesting list. →
http://www.iflscience.com/technology/this-spray-can-turn-any-surface-into-a-touch-screen/ This looks interesting. The technology, called Electrick, was developed by scientists from Carnegie Mellon University in Pennsylvania, with the findings published in an open access paper. The spray consists of an electrically conductive carbon-based material. By applying electrodes to the object, and then measuring the voltage at different points, the position of a person’s finger can →
I have earlier posted DC to AC inverter teardown that showed wat was inside one cheap “modified sinewave” inverter. Now I do a tear-down to a more expensive “true sineware” inverter PI150S from Velleman. This inverter convers 12V DC to nice sinewave 230V 50Hz AC power (up to 150W). View to front and back. This unit →
https://blog.hackster.io/launching-open-hardware-satellites-93813a1fe842 Created almost twenty years ago the CubeSat standard has lowered the barrier to entry to the point where you can put your own satellite into orbit for not much more than the price of a high end car. The 10 cm × 10 cm × 10 cm cubes have become so common that you can buy →
http://blog.alexellis.io/live-stream-with-docker/ In this guide tells how to set up our Raspberry Pi so that we can stream live video to YouTube to either a public, unlisted or private stream. Using a pre-built Docker image means we know exactly what we’re getting and instead of having to go through lots of manual steps we can type →
http://www.popsci.com/radio-wave-shield-space-weather?src=SOC&dom=fb This is interesting if true. This is not the first I have heard EM signals from earth affecting ionosphere. When the Navy wants to send a message to an underwater submarine, it sometimes uses very low frequency (VLF) radio waves. Some end up in space and according to a new report, they may be forming a →
https://www.hackster.io/robin-cole/pi-camera-doorbell-with-notifications-408d3d?ref=channel&ref_id=425_published___&offset=3 This looks like a very interesting IoT project. Use the cheap and cheerful Pi Zero W, a camera and an RF doorbell to see who’s at your door! →