
All about electronics and circuit design

USB quick charging and Honor 8

Modern smart phones use lots of powr, have high capacity batteries and many people want that they can be charged quickly. Fast charging is a name for battery charging technologies that charges the battery faster that normally by increasing the charging power. The standard USB charging is somewhat complicated enough with several standard versions and

Automotive Grade Linux Looks Forward to Daring Dab and Electric Eel in 2017 | Linux.com

https://www.linux.com/news/event/open-source-summit-na/2017/5/automotive-grade-linux-looks-forward-daring-dab-and-electric-eel-2017 Linux Foundation’s Automotive Grade Linux (AGL) project understands the challenges of herding the car industry toward a common, open source computing standard. At the recent Embedded Linux Conference, Miner provided an AGL update and summarized AGL’s Yocto Project based Unified Code Base (UCB) for automotive infotainment, including the recent UCB 3.0 “Charming Chinook” release.

7 myths about open sourcing your company’s software | Opensource.com

https://opensource.com/business/16/6/7-myths-about-open-sourcing-your-companys-software Many companies benefit from open source, and countless companies have opted to open source components of their infrastructure (or even their bread and butter) in an effort to give back. However, there are a lot of misconceptions about what happens when you open up your business’ code and workflows to the public.

Sound system interconnections and grounding

Rane Sound System Interconnection note, originally written in 1985, continues to be a very useful reference. It’s popularity stems from the continual and perpetual difficulty of hooking up audio equipment without suffering through all sorts of bizarre noises, hums, buzzes, whistles, etc.– not to mention the extreme financial, physical and psychological price. Many things have improved

Intel AMT Firmware Vulnerability CVE-2017-5689

https://www.ssh.com/vulnerability/intel-amt/ This page by SSH collects information, fixes, and analyses of the Intel AMT Firmare remote code execution vulnerability of May 1, 2017 (CVE-2017-5689). Your servers are in danger now through Intel AMT technology!  AMT enables remote management of the servers, including remote operating system installation. It is included in all modern Intel Xeon processors and

10 Popular ‘Life Hacks’ That Don’t Actually Work

http://interestingengineering.com/10-popular-life-hacks-dont-actually-work/ The internet can be a fantastic wealth of information – some are trustworthy and reliable information – some are just fake. Some of the most popular bits of info floating around the web come as simple ‘life hack.’ Unfortunately many of them do not work as promised. Here are some examples of fake life

Smart Contact Lens Detects Diabetes and Glaucoma – IEEE Spectrum

http://spectrum.ieee.org/nanoclast/semiconductors/materials/smart-contact-lens-detects-diabetes-and-glaucoma In research described in the journal Nature Communications, the UNIST researchers used graphene-nanowire hybrid films to serve as conducting, transparent, and stretchable electrodes.  Both the graphene and the silver nanowires contribute indispensible properties. This contact lens should be able to pick up indictors for intraocular pressure, diabetes mellitus, and other health conditions, according to the researchers. Add

Tips for overcoming your team’s impostor syndrome | Opensource.com

Tips for overcoming your team’s impostor syndrome https://opensource.com/open-organization/17/5/team-impostor-syndrome?sc_cid=7016000000127ECAAY Want to overcome your team’s feelings of inadequacy? Start by making different language choices.   “Are we the right people to be doing this?” someone said. That sentence hit me hard. It expressed the feeling that we shouldn’t be in the position we’re in. It expressed a