
All about electronics and circuit design

USB C cable tester C2C caberQU v1

USB-C cables are a controversial topics, and rightfully so. USB C has standardized the connector type, but brought us the Wild West of Wiring. Different USB-C cables they all might look exactly the same, but you’ve likely experienced that they’re not the same internally, and often there’s not a label in sight. Yes, it’s pretty

Tektronix TDS 220 Oscilloscope

The Tektronix TDS220 is a portable two-channel digital scope with 1 GS/s sampling rate and 100 MHz bandwidth. This is part of TDS200 oscilloscope series, that was released in 1997. Sister models include TDS210 (60 MHz dual-channel) and TDS224 (100 MHz quad-channel). Tektronix TDS 210 and TDS 220 Digital Real-Time oscilloscopes offered at them time

HP 54645D 100-MHz Mixed Signal Oscilloscope

I got an old HP mixed signal oscilloscope HP54645D. This is over 20 years old test instrument with 7″ CRT display. The 54645D is a 100 MHz, 2+16 channel Mixed Signal Oscilloscope from Agilent. Measure voltage or current signals over time in an electronic circuit or component to display amplitude, frequency, rise time, etc. Applications

Oscilloscope History and Milestones

Oscilloscope History and Milestones http://www.oscopes.info/background/2265-oscilloscope-milestones Oscilloscopes have been invented in the 1920s. Up to now this instrument encountered many innovations. Today the main players are Keysight, Tektronix and Teledyne LeCroy. Read more at: http://www.oscopes.info/background/2265-oscilloscope-milestones

Tektronix 2235 oscilloscope

The Tektronix 2235 is a 100 MHz dual-trace, dual-timebase portable scope. Tektronix 2235 has two channels and delayed sweep. This is still a pretty decent analogue oscilloscope (if you are looking for an analogue oscilloscope) with Large, Bright CRT screen. This oscilloscope has the U shaped handle that has detents which allow it to double

Cyber prediction lists 2023

Analysts and experts have looked into their crystal balls and made their cybersecurity predictions for 2023. Here is a collection of cyber security trends from many cyber security trends lists I have found published on-line. In my list I first show the information source and next a short overview what this source listed. Is your

Is Friday The 13th Actually An Unlucky Day?

Is Friday The 13th Actually An Unlucky Day? Friday the 13th is considered an unlucky day in western superstition. There are several theories on why it has become known as unlucky range. Bizarrely, scientists have looked into if Friday The 13th is really more unluckily than other days. Is there any truth to the idea