Microsoft Finally Reveals What Data Windows 10 Collects From Your PC → → There are some important changes in Ubuntu Linux development: “I’m writing to let you know that we will end our investment in Unity8, the phone and convergence shell. We will shift our default Ubuntu desktop back to GNOME for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.” → Transport layer Security version 1.3 (TLS 1.3) is the latest version of the SSL/TLS protocol which is currently under development by the IETF. It offers several security and performance improvements as compared to the previous versions. → So what can you do to enhance your professional path? This graphic can guide you. → One way a company can start the transition to the open source way is to open source a single product to drive sales of its other products. A firm can open source the hardware they sell in order to expand the market of other parts of their product line. This is referred to as → Arduinos are one of a growing number of low-cost, stripped-down, and highly configurable computing devices that have transformed the field of homebrew and do-it-yourself electronics. Increasingly, they are transforming the research community too. Available for as little as £4 (US$5) Arduinos and similar devices, such as the Raspberry Pi, pack considerable power on their → The new Orange Pi 2G-IoT features a 2G antenna for Internet of Things applications, as well as offering wireless LAN and Bluetooth for a price of $10. The Orange Pi 2G-IoT goes up against the recently released Raspberry Pi Zero W, which also costs $10, and offers wireless LAN and Bluetooth but not mobile network access. → A security researcher has found 40 unknown zero-day vulnerabilities in Tizen, the operating system that runs on millions of Samsung products. Samsung has long sought to reduce its reliance on Google and Android to run its Galaxy smartphones and tablets and other devices. It already has Tizen running on some 30 million smart TVs, as well → IF YOU’RE BETTING on Silicon Valley stars like Google, Tesla, and Uber to free you from your horrorshow commute with autonomous driving technology, don’t. That’s the key takeaway from a new report. → →