All about electronics and circuit design
No aim? No worries! That’s because YouTuber Mark Rober has a solution: self-adjusting dartboard that automatically reposition itself so you hit the bullseye nearly every time. The setup uses six infrared cameras to track the dart’s motion, then calculates a final position using an NVIDIA TX1 development kit. →
hen it comes to Internet of Things, connectivity to the internet is the primary area of focus. The sensors on the IoT devices, wearables and electronic devices need to get connected easily – preferably wirelessly. IoT LPWA market is expected to grow at an annual rate of 90 percent. It is expected that in 2021 →
The Internet is more than 45 years old, and it’s starting to show its age. To be sure, it has served us wonderfully well. Its underlying technologies delivered the World Wide Web (still a young adult at around 28 years old) and our global communications network. Even as its user base has swelled to 3.4 billion, these technologies have →
https://blog.hackster.io/hackster-apps-end-to-end-hardware-creation-in-your-browser-66259fa2d4a8#.yaqioxg6e A collection of software tools that enable our community to better design, prototype, and produce both Maker and enterprise-grade projects alike. →
https://stackoverflow.com/insights/survey/2017/ Each year since 2011, Stack Overflow has asked developers about their favorite technologies, coding habits, and work preferences, as well as how they learn, share, and level up. https://stackoverflow.com/insights/survey/2017/ →
https://blog.hackster.io/introduction-to-developing-a-new-wireless-product-bf0a6c5b51a4#.esxyeyiei There are many thing to consider in modern wireless device design. I have done some design work to several devices with wireless communication and can agree on many details.. →
http://spectrum.ieee.org/at-work/education/sequential-programming-considered-harmful Today, multicore processors power our laptops and cellphones. Distributed cloud servers or supercomputer clusters process large data sets. To take full advantage of these systems, you need parallel algorithms. “It’s a parallel world,” Why is no one teaching a course in parallel algorithms to freshmen? Currently, most introductory computer science courses start with sequential →
The Visual Fault Finder is a visible laser light source used to check continuity, locate breaks, poor mechanical splices and damaged connectors in fiber optic cabling. It can be used to verify continuity, test and find breaks in fibre links, locate pinched fiber strands in termination cabinets, or anywhere fiber optic cables are terminated and →
http://www.techrepublic.com/article/raspberry-pi-in-the-data-center-a-unique-option-for-object-storage-and-edge-computing/ →
https://horizon-magazine.eu/article/critical-infrastructures-under-daily-attack-erncip-head-georg-peter_en.html ‘Critical infrastructures around the world, not just in Europe, are constantly being targeted by cyber attacks, as are many other systems used by society which are internet-connected. Every day, European vital services and infrastructures have to be able to resist many types of cyber attacks. ‘The risk of attacks against such infrastructures is expected →